Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 5, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow: Passage
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow: Game Walkthrough and Guide

2006: The United States has a temporary military base on East Timor to train the defenders of the “World Young Democracy”. Resistance to the American military presence in Southeast Asia is widespread. The leader of the partisan Sakadi Sodono, operates with the unofficial support of the heads of corrupt fractions of the Indonesian government. Sakhadi people attack the American Embassy in Jakarta, taking civil and military personnel hostage. In short, the homeland is in danger! 🙂

Sam has new movements: Half Split Jump – the same double jump, but in narrower aisles, and from this position you can jump even higher (if there is where to jump), Swat Turn – Put your back at the doorway and in other similar placesPress the Action button (ENTER by default), also sam can hang down head and shoot. Optical cable and lays have disappeared from inventory, now they appear in the interaction menu when approaching the door. First aid kits can be worn with you, you can only restore health, partially or completely.

one. Dili, Timor – Embassy

Simple mission, more accurate tutorial. It is necessary to penetrate the embassy and find Douglas Shetland and Ingrid Carltson. Killing opponents will be allowed only towards the end of the mission.

Get lost here is difficult, follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Go ahead, take a jacket and up stairs. Slide down the rope down, then you need to crawl through the pipe, pursing the legs. In the house in the second room on the pipe Zalazim, and again down – now through the hatch. Go out into the street by saying past two houses, we drink in the fence. Putting back, go along it. Here you can try out a new movement – you need to look around the angle and press the interaction button. Here is the first enemy, stun it. Further will be mines, they can be destroyed on the right. During the corner of the house there is a lonely box – will make him a campaign. Candle with him. Then find a narrow alley, jump double jump and take the balcony. Talking with Lambert, descend in the stream and gently go to the left to the wheel of the mill. In the drawers with his backs, a clearly bad man sitting on the stream, Lambert will suggest to meet him. Grab it and make talk. He will tell about mines and a bald American with dead eyes and a prosthesis on the leg. Another security guard will be released from the house, will look for his comrade and leave. On the pipe near the wall climb up and find yourself near the embassy. Close the forests on the balcony and, clinging to the wall, go to the corner. The room is Sadono, if he sees Sam, the mission will be failed. Carefully envelope the angle and along the wall climb to the place where the balcony collapsed. Through the pipes, go to another balcony, and from it – on the next, enter the open door. Terrorist interrogated Shelton. Terror – Stun, with Douglas – talk. Douglas will give you encrypted information. All that can be learned from it – only a few words: Mortified Penguin, Red Beard, Saulnier and Springfield. In short, you need a translator. This is Ingrid Kartlson, she is kept in the tower behind the embassy.

Go to the door to the right and in the corridor. On the balcony of the enemy, sneak up and poison it. If you need to get down, go to the room nearby. By the corridor go to the stairs down. Here are three enemy. Spice the lamp at the top and lubricate them on the staircase whistle or bey lamps. In the room under the stairs there is a first-aid kit. By eliminating everyone, go to where the map is lying on the floor, go to the corridor and go out into the yard. Ingrid Carltson and a security guard with a night vision device will be shown in the video. Lambert will advise on the light, do not laugh and cross the yard, staying in the spotlight beam. Go to the door to the right and climb the stairs, carefully sneak to the guard on the balcony, check it out for strength. Come in the room and talk to Ingrid. It will translate Mortified_penguin email, where there will be some coordinates that are attached to the cryogenic laboratories in Paris, which is called Saulnier. Now it is necessary to turn off the spotlights in the village, so that Sam can get into the helicopter. Open the window and jump onto the roof. Cling to the pipe and sam go down to the yard. Slightly passing forward, you will see the tower and the guard nearby. Around the corner of the house there is another tower and guard. On the tower you need to use the switches to repay the searchlights. Since now murders are allowed, it is possible to practice in the accuracy of firing on the guards. Go to the pier and sit in the boat. Osprey waiting for you.

2. Paris, France – Salne Lab

Three levels of anxiety are possible in this mission.

Penetrate the Saulnier Cryogenics through the subway. Mercenaries, followed by which you follow, used the same route and left guard.

Go down and scatter lights. Look for an angle – a guard walks nearby when he approaches him, hit him, hide. Go to the train and scribble on the roof of the car. If you look for an easy way, then scroll all the lamps. Jump in Luke. Two guards will come – one will walk along the platform, the other – by the car. You can cut them out, or sprinkle to the end of the car, jump down and get into the tunnel. The road blown fire, but Sam now learned him to stew – shoot in the valves under the ceiling.

New goal: get access to security terminal.

In the next room, the guard examines the racks, bends him and demonstrate the severity of suminic fists. Enter the next room. Here, one man stands back to the window, and the other runs between two computers. Start with the one who stands still, do not beat it right away, but grab and drag into a dark corner at the door. Having finished with them, go out into the corridor, hack the castle and log in. On the wall – a first-aid kit. open the door. Three enemy will run into the room and start firing in the corners. However, sometimes they do not react and continue to sit behind the curtain – do not worry, jerk and they will come. Next to the door there is a pipe – you can hang under the ceiling, or immediately get into the right corner of the room. One of them will soon leave, and the remaining grate with the back. The past guard is usually located next door, behind the curtain – break the lamp there and debug on it in the dark. Now get the FN2000 (it is SC – 20K) and open double doors. Two enemies shot computers, the computer you need is on the left, so try to kill the enemy around him first. Deciding the problem, you, in theory, you need to use a computer, but it is better not to rush with it. Right along the corridor there is a room where you can deal with ammunition, and a bomb is installed in the next room. The door is closed there, but apply the wholesale.Cable – make sure it is the room with a bomb, and put the wall on the door. You can now use a computer. This Mortified Penguin hacked client databases. Makeup you about the bomb. You have one and a half minutes. If you correctly installed the wall min, then the enemies have already set off to the forefers. Run into this room (perhaps you will need to work with hoes), go around the burning bodies and disconnect the bomb.

Go to the door at the end of the corridor. Now you need to access the Saulnier Cryogenics database on the first floor, from which you learn about some device, ND133, something like a vacuum refrigerator.

Close the stairs and see a red light on the wall – motion sensor. Go past him as much as possible. Upstairs open the door and log in.

If you really need a sabotage chamber, you can eliminate three enemies right away, for example, a grenade. In this case, all the doors will be open and in one of the rooms there will be a sabotage camera on the table. But the enemies will raise anxiety if you will miss the accuracy. It is better to forget about this device (two enemies will not get in the room with this camera, you will not be able to open the door) and sit down in the shade. Wait until the enemies disperse. With the first enemy problems should not arise;In the room on the left, take the cartridges. Careful in the corridor – motion sensor.

See the room with monitors and two guards. It makes no sense to touch this couple, come back a little back to the double doors, open the launder. On the left door to the server room, shoot the lamp in it, wait for the guard to calm down and left, and get rid of the computer on the right. Get Code: 2457.

Exit the hall and enter the code on the keyboard at the door. Go and turn off the light, degrade the served guard. Choose useful things from the table, go to the next corridor (motion sensor!), go up the stairs (chamber of tracking – shoot, a wall mine – to take yourself). Upstairs break the lamp and open the door. Two guard in the lobby. When one of them leaves the pass to the right of you, sneak up to the rest, cut it off, the body hide. Now catch the second guard, then get the code from the computer – 7562 and apply it to the door in the corridor.

Enter the room and all attention to the floor: French brains in all its glory. Turn on thermal Goggle and sneak to the turret, you can turn it off and stun the guard, or switch Disable IFF and the turret will do everything for you. Open the door to the door, slightly go through the bridge forward and notice two enemies. Lack them to yourself alive or eliminate both sabotage chambers, for example. Move on, see the first-aid kit and a wall mine, so do not run. Enter the laboratory, climb on the closet and ventilation. Below will see three hostages shooting on the door. Use a grenade, sabotage chamber, anything. Then go to the left, jump down and talk to the wounded security guard named Francois Coldboeuf. Fisher will be introduced by the employee of the telephone company 🙂 and take the phone from the Frenchman. Francois photographed a bald man known to you as Mortified Penguin. Brancon will report that this person in the photo is in the CIA database and its real name – Norma Sot. Take the ventilation again. If pairs are hindering you, shoot the valve where the enemies stood and go to the left. Caret is filed, this car is waiting for you.

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