TOMB RAIDER 3: The Lost Artifact: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Game control
For experienced “Tombov Raiders” it will not make problems – everything remains the same as in the first two series of the game. New items are very entertaining and colorful, but not fundamental. Now Lara has a new set of vehicles, as well as in addition to the existing skills can perform sharp jerks, run and ride a sprint, and also crawl on the knees.
Newbies will be able to learn nearly All the necessary control keys from the main menu (it is necessary to click on the pink glasses by putting forward them to the forefront of one of the keyboard arrows – right or left in a circle). Unfortunately, the authors of the game did not describe some combinations of control keys. They are as follows:
Shift + Arrow “Forward” – the movement does not run, but a step;
Ctrl + Arrow “Forward” –
a) overcoming a low obstacle,
b) the ability to grasp for suitable surface above head With the subsequent movement in a hanging position on hands using the arrows (t. N. “Monkey Swing”);
Ctrl + Alt – Jump up with the ability to grab your hands for anything;
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow “Forward” – jump up and forward with the ability to grab your hands for anything;
Ctrl + Alt + Shift – Casting hands for anything, Lara makes a rack on his hands;
Shift + arrows “to the right” or “left” – movement of the lobby without turning the body;
At the same time, the arrows “forward” and “back” – a knuckle with a turn in the opposite direction.
And here are some novelties “Tomb Raider III”:
Point (Russian YU) + arrows – squatting or knees;
SHIFT + Alt + Arrow “Forward” – elegant, but sometimes a dangerous jump “swallow” with alder over his head;
First arrows “forward” and then key / (next to YU) – movement with sprint speed, but only in direct.
On the plot of the game in different places are hidden Secrets (the same aid kits, cartridges and so.) They are extremely important, and it is advisable to find All 59 pieces, Since the skipping of even one of them will not affect the success of the passage of a particular level, but will deprive you the opportunity to participate in the final game on a special, prize level.
The creators of the game offer to start with the travel of Lara in India, and completing their Ice Antarctic. The intermediate three episodes can be passed in any sequence. We will also follow this advice.
Fights in the game did not undergo significant changes. One of the key actions that you need to remember when battles with numerous opponents – let go of the “Fire” key after you have destroyed one enemy. This will allow Lara to change the object of firing, and not to fill the non-stop on the dead body. Even jumping from side to side, she aims quite aptly, and so try to move more to minimize the damage from the actions of the enemy.
In the game will meet lots of Dark places, and therefore always have a margin of lighting cartridges at hand (let’s call them candles) and do not expend their in vain. By the way, the shots from the weapon also highlight the darkened zone, even if only a few moments.
A rifle is well where you have to fight and strike a group of opponents or to make significant damage to a single enemy from close range.
“Eagle Desert” (Desert Eagle) – more powerful weapons than conventional pistols. In this series of the game, it is a certain equivalent of “Magnum”, which appeared in the previous series. Weapons are very effective in short battle when you need an increased power of fire.
The need for multiple recharge makes harpun quite effective only for a single shot under water (the exception is shooting from the underwater scooter – it is carried out almost automatically). Usually they can be stopped to stop the enemy for a short time in order to sail himself to a safe place or get into dry. Yes, and ammunition for harpunov is extremely limited, and therefore take care of them and use only in case of extreme necessity.
“Ultrasound” better save for the most powerful opponents and recent levels of the game.
Grenadeomets can make serious destruction, but remember that garnets explode, only flying about 15 meters, which, by the way, is good because you do not want to fall the victim of our own weapons. Immediately after the shot, do not run forward, and wait for the break.
Rocket installation will destroy everything that she will get a rocket, but its ammunition Extreme limited, and therefore take care each shell.
MR-5 replaced M-16 from the previous series, as it is really the newest modification of the automatic rifle. This weapon is ideal for firing long distances. Shooting it, you can’t run nor jump.
Before starting the game, do not forget once again to practice in the house of Lara – there is a lot of things to learn and do, including – use a more spacious gym and even shoot in the recovery butler. Do not miss a special key that you will drip a motorcycle to drive on it around the house.
House Lara
In the passage of the previous series of the game, this object was not paid to any attention, because in the house you really have nothing to do. In this game, the Lara House is a mini-level, where there is something to do and unravel. Some changes in the interior and the exterior of the structure so that Lara can demonstrate their new abilities.
You start in the bedroom, and a wardrobe with a weapon this time is not locked. Open it and take the candle box, then go to the main staircase. In the far corner of the staircase there is another door leading to the attic. Log in and burn the cartridge. You will find the box that you need to push twice. Then go down to the library located next to the room where there is a TV and piano, turn right and find the book speaking on the shelf. Push her to go out the fireplace and you could enter it and boil upstairs. Slide the boxes there and take a new candle packaging. Now you will see the hall. Turn the switch to open the door at a very short time, located below in the lobby and leading in the training room. And now hurry to get there until the door is closed, for what to cut where you need the corners and jump. It is preferable to move as described below.
By pressing the switch, run through the hall back to the attic, on the stairs down to the second floor site. Coming out of the attic door, jump through the railing and continue running, taking a little to the right. Run to the gymnastic hall using a sprint run to fly to the door in front of its closure.
As you use the sprint (only when running in a straight line), you will not work up to get to the bottom of the building. There you will find a box that must be shifted under the hole in the ceiling and climbing the hall to get into the hall, what about you. Go to Aquarium. Swim in it to find and take the believed racing key, which is driving a labyrinth, now representing the Lara Motorcycle Track – It’s time to install a new speed record!
Before leaving the house, you may want to visit another secret room. Go to the pool and click on the button located behind the springboard jump. So you will open the door behind in the main lobby and discover the switch. By clicking on it, you will open the door directly for you, but also on very a short time. Go to the sprint and “dive”, trying to avoid the door before it closes. A cute trophy awaits you over the fireplace.
Outside, too, there are some new items, for example, by part of the demo of martial art Lara. In one place, her faithful butler Jevz runs in a kevlar armor, helmet, but with a teach tray. To knock him down from the legs, of course, you can, but kill – neither.
Before starting a slip from the starting point, go forward to the end, jump onto the slope to the right of you and slip onto a flat area. From the run, jump left through the main slope and sneeze to find a secret number 1 – gun. Now start slipping on a long slope, jump and cling to the log. Monkey spare, she is completely harmless. Gently jump down, not really borrowed about sharp stakes, move to the left and slide on the flat floor with the first-aid kit. It is possible that a hefty stone will ride in this place – if you hear the growing rumble, steppe or jump aside to avoid a collision with it.
Jump into the zone behind the tree to take therapeutic emerald and secret number 2 – Cartridges. Complete the slide on the slope and follow the left. Pick one more emerald and take a column that is right behind him. Jump down. To the left of you pick up grenades – Secret number 3 – and go to the wall with a waterfall. In the left lumen where the water is pioned, they are candles, and in the extreme right – cartridges. Now move right to a dirty swamp – this is a dangerous bog – and through the arch, go to the spacious glade. To the left of yourself will see a harmless little monkey, do not kill her. Take the left and find the passage that leads to the lever. Click on it and go past the tree back to the gate that have just opened.
Go through the gate, jump into a small room – a little right of you will be a lever, and on the left – a moving wall with sharp stoles. Click on the lever and quickly jump into a niche behind your back to avoid death. When the wall passes by, go to the left and take into the hole. Find a rope with knobs attached to it, slide on it to the base of the square stump. Screw to it and jump into the passage leading to the glade. If you still fall into the river, do not resist the flow – let it take you to the green tunnel leading to the small pool, where you can go to the land. And beware of pirands!
Beautiful, but deadly tiger attacks you at the entrance, so cook guns. Lay out a tree with a big hollow, click on the lever inside it, but be on your guard: a large stone rolls on you. Slim from him, after which go along his route up to another lever that opens the door to the left around the corner. Take there and kill the second tiger. Go to the right through thick thickets and find the cartridges on the small protrusion on the left, go back and follow in the same direction.
Go to the new zone where a tiger is waiting for you again – the next target for your fire training. Continue to go ahead until you see a light haze from sunlight. Where they fall to the ground, there is a pit with stakes. Go around her side. Unfold right, stay between trees. Go along along the wall right, get up under the fallen tree and kill one more tiger, after which they are soothered. Go along the trunk of a fallen tree up, the column is jumping left and lift the store for MR-5 rifle.
Return to the trunk of a tree, go to his end, stand back to the edge, jump, hang on my hands, unwind them and immediately grab the edge of the lower protrusion, then tighten. Close to the trunk for secret number 4 (candles and grenades). At the bottom, sharp stakes lie down, and therefore hang on the hands and carefully fall down one of the lowered descents, jump out in different directions. Move into some one side, and soon you can amuse stakes. Raise in two stone niches for the store for the rifle Desert Eagle, jump into the dark tunnel and go through the stakes. Tighten on your arms, leave this zone and return to the end of the tree, from which they recently jumped down.
Now slip from it to the left and go to the left golden lattice, past it – on the passed. Running off to the stone block, lift the first aid kit, turn right, jump again, and at the end – once again, now on the green slope. You can not resist you, but falling, grabbing his edge and move on your hands to the right, where you can pull out and take the emerald.
Move back, jump on the site just below and jump forward to the wall, on the eaves of which monkey wanders. Cook over the edge of the stony split ahead of you and move on your hands to the left, tighten, get on your knees to the left, straighten, unfold in the opposite direction, plug on the stone block, and from it – down, to the inlet in the dark pass. You can light the candle and go forward – to the left, to the lever that opens the gate below. But the same lever will free the huge killer stone, and therefore turn sharply and pull out from the passage. When the threat passes, come back inside and find a hidden entrance to the cave above the lever. Roll into it and find a secret number 5 – Garpuna and rockets, after which it neatly jump off the cornice down to the ground. Kill the tiger and go to the brown gate.
Immediately turn left and move forward. You will see three stones rolling consistently one by one. Wait for the last stone passes, climb the slope and go deep into the bushes. Pick up the first-aid kit, find the pit in the ground and jump into it, but immediately grab the edge of the lower pass, so as not to stumble upon the stake below. Tighten and enter the passage leading to secret number 6 – a pack of candles and emerald. Saving the game, experiment with the output method.
Return to three stones, go past them until you find yourself on the river bank. In shallow water, run right – there on the shore you will find ammunition for the ultrasound machine. Jump onto a small island on the other side of the river, jump again and tighten the green eaves over your head, where press the lever and thereby open the door while still on the distance from you.
Dive into the river and swim through the tunnel into the spacious hall, in the middle of which there is a dub with two levers against each other. Click on both, dive again and through the open door float into the next hall. From the platform in the center, take it candles and look at. There are two open passages in the hall – one with a door, another without a door. Passing into the one that without the door, you will find yourself on a spacious territory with a mass of columns and pedestals, but you can do little there. Return to the hall and go to the aisle with the door – at the end it has a lever. Click on it, and the entire aforementioned territory will be under water.
Swim to the far waterfall and choose from water. Find the passage of water flow, go through it to the stairs and go up on it. Go again through the water and boil the other stone, filled with water, after which you will jump from running on the previous waterfall. Enter the corridor and click on the lever, opening the underwater gate.
Jump into the water down and look for green stone steps. Go out and scroll on a high stone tube, then jump from running around to the next endboard, where the emerald is waiting for you. Jump back into the water and swim in the gate that you just opened – they are under the black wall bas-relief. After a short swim you find yourself in the next room with some ammunition in the corners. Crashing with a striped predator and taking the ammunition, watch the stairs upstairs.
Turn over the angle and do not bag lift the indra key (if a monkey is ahead of you, it, alas, have to shoot). Walk a green pad, find the output, go down a bit, shoot a tiger from a safe height and jump down. Break through the right passage, try not to get into the brown brown sands. Before applying the key indra and open the gate, select a pack of cartridges in a small niche. Come in the gate, browse the video and complete the level.