Traitors Gate 2: Cypher: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 22, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Traitors Gate 2: Cypher: Passage
Traitors Gate 2: Cypher: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Since nothing is said about controlling in the game settings, I will fill this gap. With the game you will have to communicate only through the keyboard, well, it’s still, however, the mouse is involved, but it meets only for the survey of the camera. Rainer You control using “arrows” on the keyboard. ENTER – ACTION KEY, AND SHIFT SHIFT makes the crow go to step, instead of being running.
Objects with which you can interact in the game are not highlighted and not designated, so we will act blindly. With inventory, it is also easy to work. Stand near the object with which you want to use the subject, call the inventory using the “arrows” select the desired item and press ENTER.
And finally, one farewell – save more often!

Ancient ruins

Room Siggy

Explore three images compiled from squares on each wall. Read the Leanard notebook, namely the 14th page, which speaks of this room. Go to the image of the dragon at the end of the room and, stand right before it head, press ENTER. When a stone with a picture of the head is slightly drowned, drop down to the center of the room to give the opportunity to open the secret door in the floor. Go down.

Room with butter

The room consists of two levels. At the top level, where you are now, there are two levers, on both sides. In the center of a round chute around a large crystal, and the windows are located along the entire wall (about this place speaks on the 18th page of the notebook). Turk alternately these levers to open windows, and so oil.
Go down to the lower level. Turn the golden wheel of about 6 times while the beam of light from some window will not hit the crystal, and the oil in the groove will not light up. When this happens, leave the room through the just open door. In no case, do not step on the round grid, which is installed on the floor, when you go to the next room, is a trap.

Sun room

In the notebook about this room speaks on the 20th and 21st pages. Climb the stairs that on the left, and learn the destroyed column that blocks the path. Stand in front of the column and three jog screws her. You have to get a bridge. Climb upstairs and push the disk of the sun. This action you will open the secret door below. Go down, and luxury push the stuck door. Go on.

Room records

Pay attention to the wheel on the left and on the shelves with openings for letters. Exit the room and move the stone dog on the wall to the side. Return to the room of the records, where you twist the wheel three times. When one of the shelves rises, a corridor will appear, leading inside chambers. Go along the corridor until you reach the swinging bridge (on the way to him on the floor you will find a snake, go around it). Go Bridge and go to the right.


Survey three floors and a water wheel on one of the parties. On the top floor, pay attention to 6 frescoes with lines: horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Go down to the first level on which there are 6 niches with statues with elongated hands, and ahead of them levers.
What should you do in this room? Come to each niche and pull the lever. When the stove with the statue goes down, you can see the image of one of the animals. Run to the top level where you look at the mural on the wall with the image of this animal. Remember the line direction on the fresco and go back to the niche. Adop out again for the lever and when the stove with the statue rises, go to it and turn the wheel until the hand with the ring will match the direction of the line on the fresco. And at the end, jerk one more time for the lever so that the statue falls.
So that you do not run every time on the top floor, here’s the name of the animal and the corresponding line:

Donkey – horizontal
Lion – diagonal
Horse – diagonal
Dragon – Vertical
Scorpio – horizontal
Eagle – Vertical

When hands with rings will coincide with the directions of lines on the frescoes and plates with statues will be omitted, the water wheel will start turning. This action will open the door at the middle level, but for now we have to go through it too early. Get out of the pump room through the door at the top level and, having passed on the corridor, turn right on the basis. Having reached the swinging bridge, go to the room with rotating knives.

Room with rotating knives

When you enter, you will step onto the floor slab, which will make knives rotate. For the lever near these rotating knives, it is not necessary to pull. But if you still decided to check what it would lead to, then you will fall into a room with hatches from which you will have to get out.

Room with hatches

Enter the room with hatches through the mouth of a giant skull. In the center of the room on the pedestal lies Scorpio, and around the pedestal – four levers. On one wall – so far closed output.
Scorpio sent face to the skull. Go for a scorpion tail and pull the lever twice from that side. Go again for the tail of the scorpion and pull the lever once. Go again for the tail of the scorpion and pull the lever once. Go for the side of the scorpion, which is opposite to an empty wall (not the wall where the output), and pull the lever once. When the door opens, exit the room and on the stairs. Close up. On the fork, turn left if you want to go to a room with rotating knives, or to the right if to the pumproom. Choose the first way.

Room with rotating knives

Go to the right to two aisles discouraged by the fence. Look down on both sides of the passages on the plates with different images. Look at the statue on the wall on which eight plates are located. Holding the lever near the statue, you send the gear to the left or right, which gives you the opportunity to control the left or right hand-pointer below, where the plates with images. The wheel between two passages move the hand-pointer between the plates. Make so that the hand pointer on both sides point to the stove with the image of the snake, and then jerk the lever near the rotating knives.
When they stop, you will open the path to the new rooms, but while go back to the pumproom through your way. On the middle floor, go through the recently open door to the room with a rotating drum.

Rotating Drum Room

Look at the wall drawing on the left or right. You will need to repeat this drawing on the rotating drum, which is in front of you. The drum consists of four parts that rotate through three wheels in front of it.
First, turn the average wheel twice, then twice the wheel on the left and finally, twice the wheel on the right. After the designation of the drawing, the staircase will appear behind you. Go down and go along the corridor to the development, which turn right. Go straight, go down the stairs down and go to the left, in the sin room.

Room sin

Hall in front of the room of sin with traps: extended walls with spikes and swinging axes. But while these traps are not activated, you can safely pass directly into the room. There in the center on the pedestal is a staff. On the 32nd page of the notebook it is said that the staff is a guide and a key to the journey. Also read the 44th page of the notebook.
Go to the pedestal and take the staff. Be sure to survive in this place! Walls with spikes will start periodically descending and climb. Unfold and wait until the walls do not return to your original places. Quickly run to the hallway and without stopping, run through it to the end. In the hallway at that moment all traps are stated above. Do not induce one of them!

Climb the stairs upstairs, and then on the stairs to the right. Close to the room with a snake.

Room with Snake

Examine two stands depicting a snakes that are in the hallway. On one booth draws a gold skull (Sun view), on the other – black. Enter the snake room, where pay attention to 7 small Cobra, located around the giant snake. On the page of the 38th, in the table 10 of the notebook, it is said about this place. Your task: Open the door on the body of a giant snake, turning with the help of levers of small cobra, as shown on the stand with a gold skull.
Turn the first snakes adjacent to the head of the giant snake on both sides, towards the exit. Middle snakes turn towards water flow. Last 2 External snakes turn to the exit, and turn the last snake in the middle turn to the water flow.
Go to the pedestal before the giant snake and insert a staff from the sin room. Snake will lean forward, and the door will open on her body. Take the key and go out of the room. Go along the corridor, turn right and keep to the fork on which the skeleton is. From there, go right to the room with a water lift.

Water lift room

On the far wall is a large wheel with a pointer. Under him two naughty. If you look up, you can find a way out of this room. Near the entrance on the walls on the left and right are three spears, and near them a hole for the key. On the walls on the left and right behind the bars, chariots are drawn, but instead of drawn wheels there are real.
Go down the stairs and wrap the right. Insert the key from the room with a snake into the hole and keep at the average spear. When the grill opens on the right, remove the front wheel from the chariot.
Pass on the other side of the stairs. Insert the key into the hole and pull the spear on the left. When the grill on the left opens, remove the front wheel from the chariot.
Go to the big wheel and suck on the nabbes acquired wheels. Now stand your back to the pedestal with the lever and click on the right mouse button to allow you to control the camera. Look at the white stone on the pedestal below. You will see a drawing there, which will be repeated on a big wheel. It’s not so difficult to do, but before making a drawing, be sure to save. First twist the wheel on the left, which is nailed on the knob, then the wheel on the right. Attention! When the drawing will remain just one turn of the wheel, get ready to turn it out and immediately, lightning it, run on the platform that starts climbing. If you are late, you will have to upload the last saved game and try again.
Once at the top, go ahead and turn right. Continue to go ahead and turn right again, this time in a room with two statues.

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