UEFA EURO 2004: Game Walkthrough and Guide

2004. 4th of July. 22 hours 45 minutes. Portugal. Lisbon. Stadium Lead. After 8 minutes, the European Champion will be the Liechtenstein team. Do not believe? Ask John Misson, Alley Makkista and 65 thousand… Cardboard viewers!
The game is running. A soccer ball appears on the monitor screen, and unusual heights of Nelly Fortado come out of the speakers. First of all, I propose to go to the menu item My Euro. Here you should produce all the basic settings of the game that you have to do before each match or championship. The Game Setting submenu can be set to the duration of the half (which can now be equal to 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15 minutes) and complexity (AMATEUR, SEMI-PRO, Professional and World Class). In the same menu, you can turn off injuries, offsides, scoreboard and configure other standard tinsel.
To start the game with the go, in the main menu, click Play Now.
Our team lacks technology – even a small bulldozer in the root would change the position on the field…
If you want to change the starting formulations of all national teams, their game strategy, as well as override the punching standards (corner, free and penalties), then you are a straight road in Team Management.
It is interesting: out of the 51 team presented in the game, some were not lucky. So the compositions of the prefabricated Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Scotland and Wales are not at all like their real prototypes. And the prefabricated Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Georgia and (and this is a shame!) Holland and will consist of players with generated surnames.
Pay attention to the EA Sports Trax menu item in which you can view a list of all musical compositions. The traditions of EA are unchanged – the creations of the performers of varying degrees of fame and talent are thoroughly mixed into a quite suitable cocktail for listening. And if you don’t like something, you can always disable the melodies incomprehensible to you.
Before you a list of musical compositions in the game. All performers, how this requires the situation, from the old world.
Save all changes in your Profile and go back to the main menu. UEFA EURO 2004 should be the next one of your stop. Now you have a very and very responsible task – this is the choice of a team (or teams). Each team in football has attack and defense ratings. The strongest developers made the France team. Not far from them Italians, Dutch, Spaniards and Czechs. Prags of offenders and Portuguese, I put a red ball opposite the word russia and launched the drawing process. My team got into one group with Switzerland, Ireland, Georgia and Albania. Easy Deja Vyu visited me at that moment. “Somewhere it was,” I thought, but did not make the Randomize button. – “I do not like to interfere, and then the next morning it happens.”.
Taking his idol under the wing and passed a couple of the menu, we get closer to the most important. Here I ask you to pay attention to that, in addition to group games, friendly matches are present in your calendar in your calendar. At such matches, it is advantageous to try new tactical schemes. For myself, I have long decided that nothing is better than the attacking scheme 4-2-4 no. Why 4-2-4? As you know the dominant system in the football world is considered scheme 4-4-2. And most of the national teams in Euro 2004 played according to this scheme. The balance of the defense line is ensured by the presence of four players both in the rear line and in the middle of the field. Working together, these two lines leave very few possibilities to the opponent for holding an attack. Such a dense defense is very hard to win without flanking breakthroughs. According to an unknown to me the author, the best defense is an attack. That is why I decided to bet on the 4-2-4 scheme, which provides all the possibilities for a good attack. Notice, the defense is also offended.
Before you start match, you will meet two interesting menus. First – this is team news. Here you will be informed that the moral condition of the Ivanov’s football player has grown due to the fact that he is considered as a rising star, and the spirit of Petrova and Sidorov sharply went down – I see them, I see, I do not take them. Well, yes, and okay – with such morality they do all the more. In general, the reasons for the improvement or worsening of the “combat spirit” of the player can be different. For example, if your team in a row lost several games, then get ready for a noticeable decrease in the game level of all your wards. Like this and choose from outsiders with football players disappointed in life.
Tip: more often enter the command settings to replace “immoral” football players – such guys play an order of magnitude worse than football players with the usual martial spirit. By the way, each football player, in addition to the moral state, there are other characteristics: skills, speed running, accuracy and ball selection.
This is what artificial offstaside means – at once, three of my football players remained not in cases, thanks to the terminal Italian defenders.
The second surprise was detailed reports of my intelligence about the opponent tactics. I should note that these enemy strategy reports are a very useful thing. After all, after them, the command tactics settings menu, and this is an extra opportunity to correct something.
Finally we got to the stadium. Playing an excerpt of the anthem of the national team hosts, which is not so easy to distinguish from the anthem of the Burkina Faso national team or any other state. Guys from EA decided that solemn fanfare will replace any national anthem… Well, okay, it is not important.
Compared to FIFA 2004…
The main thing is that playing has become more interesting. It should be noted the rising tactical value of the game. It is difficult to say what exactly was influenced, but now you can actually carry out excellent combinations, passes and blows! It became much more interesting to play and because EA thoroughly worked on the artificial intelligence of the opponent and your wards. And finally, the stupid behavior of the goalkeepers. The opponent plays very meaningfully, varied and beautifully, uses the weak sides of the defense, the ability of their players and the features of the situation. And all this is not brought to universality – as in real life, players can be confused and make the ball transfer the enemy.
And this is my first goal in the opponent’s gate. Nothing remarkable, except that the French shook him into their own gates. Not bad start…
A little about the appearance of football players. Their unique faces of the quality became a little better, although I did not notice special beauties. You may be lucky. Spectators on the match are introduced into the deepest depression. The only thing that can turn on the stands is the flag of fans. Neither the goal of the favorite team, nor the ball flying in the head, is not able to make a move pictures planted by the designer on the stadium benches.
It sees the naked eye that craftsmen from EA corrected the physics of the gate. All the focus was made on the rod – the ball very effectively departs from them. By the way, an interesting fact – now the ball can bounce from one rod to another. But here it was not without a lair – the gate grid under the influence of the ball to move refuses for unknown reasons. Apparently she is iron.
Again there is no possibility to give short passes when drawing angular. Again, it is impossible to assign the captain of the team… Feeling such that EA Sports employees alien to all sorts of Community, which is already characterized by writing petitions on the topic “What is missing in the game”. I hope that even in FIFA 2005 will be considered quite obvious, but for some reason the football realities not implemented in the game.
This is important: if you do not have a desire to spend the game (first of all, it concerns friendly games), then instead of Play Game you can choose SIM GAME – In this case, the match will end with a random result. Just do not forget that the loss in the match always has a negative impact on the morals of your players.
Personally, I got the world with the Wales national team. 2: 2 – a fairly decent result for the second match, if you consider that both goals were scored from a penalty. And all because the judge did the same as it happens in life. He is not only mistaken, but also hot. For the breakdown of the attack of the referee instantly sends a player to rest, and almost every podcast in the penalty area is fraught with penalty. Yes what to say there if now even the side judges are mistaken, announcing an offside.
Game moments
In Euro 2004, as in FIFA, there are two types of gear: PAS bottom and PAS riding. Pass the bottom ([s] and [w] keys) opens up ample opportunities for one touch. The main disadvantage of this type of transmission lies in the fact that it is performed in the feet of the addressee. The receiving, being with the ball, should immediately go away from the aggressive enemy’s selection or immediately send a leather projectile to his teammate. Pass the bottom – the main way to transfer the ball in EURO 2004.
Pump riding or canopy (key [A]) almost always implies fighting in the air. Therefore, the main difficulty here is to win a duel on the second floor. Since the players of the enemy can intercept the ball at any time, you must take into account that the transfer is riding – the thing is extremely risky. In addition to risk, with such a pass, you significantly brake your game. Therefore, when attacking the only reasonable way of applying a passage is a ride – this is a translation to the opposite flank and, of course, canopy into the penalty area of the enemy. I note that the blow strength is regulated by how much you will whirl [A].
This is important: besides adjusting the passage of the pass or impact in the lower left corner of the screen (under the name of the active football player), there is also a strip of fatigue.
In addition to ordinary, there are still passages. To make the transfer to the ride, follows, holding the [Q] key, press [W]. And the usual transmission is contrary, which previously called the [W] key, now occurs by pressing the [S] key with [Q]. Do not forget about the fact that Pas power is regulated.