Vampyr: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The main hero of the game is Jonathan Reed, a military doctor who became a victim of mysterious blood circuit, which turned it into an eco-eyeon, a vampire of an elite class. London is located in bloody plague. See the entrance video until the main character finds. You will see bloody traces on Earth. Go on them until you get to standing girl. Interact with him to drink her blood. As a result, you will understand that Jonathan accidentally killed his own sister Mary.
Soon the outfit for vampire hunters will arrive at the location. Run from them by the only possible path, and in front of the barrels, broken the way, inspect the dead body on the side and take the old machete.
Weapon in Vampyr
The game has four categories of weapons:
– one-handed;
– two-handed;
– extra for the left hand;
– Firearms.
Also each individual weapon can have five levels of modification. Depending on this or that level, the arms appears the prefix – old, usual, good, excellent, perfect. To or another quality indicates the color of the icons – colorless, series, blue, purple and orange, respectively.
You find a weapon that refers to a certain category and has one or another quality. This does not mean that it cannot be improved. First, each new level increases the general parameters of weapons, secondly, each of them can be made a choice between two of the additional bonuses. Improvement is performed on the desktop.
If you collect all the weapons scattered on locations, you will get a few achievements – “Set of professional surgeon” for a melee weapon (one-handed for the right hand and two-handed), “At the distance of a shot” for firearms and “left-handed” for the search for a weapon for the left hand.
Destroy the barrels using the machete, and move on. Win the enemy, attacking his LKM and using evasion with the help of a “space”. To fix the goal, click on the left Ctrl. In the end, the main character will be under sunshine. Take ahead, clean up the enemy with firearms and kill him. Take a look at the right side, using the Keep Out Red Door.
Asylum in Vampyr
This refuge will be temporary and in the future in the game is not used. But in general, in London map, several such rooms are scattered in which you can distribute the skills and go to the next night (bed), improve weapons, create medicines or serum, disassemble the subject (all on the desktop) and sometimes find useful items. No one is attacked here.
By the way, in the shelter, among other things, there is a chest, when interacting with whom you will replenish the stock of ammunition in Jonathan’s pocket. If the locations were found cartridges that Jonathan cannot be transferred, they are automatically sent to the shelter chest. Sunnuts in shelters have a common place for storage (so to speak comfortable “cloud service”).
On the left side of the room you can find a note – the first collectible thing.
Notes in Vampyr
30 notes are scattered around the city, divided by ten separate topics (three pieces). If you collect all the notes, you will get a kustor “Keeper of Traditions”.
Go on the stairs to the top and go to the corpse on the chair. Watch the video, upon completion of which the first story chapter will begin.
The sun will begin to burn us to the bones, so we run away into the dark alleys. Kill another enemy, and enter the inside of a residential building. Inside inspect the photo, to the right near the disfigured body will find the clock, while remembering your story. On the left will find a note “Fire and Sun”. On the second floor we examine suicide, we take from him the old revolver. Near the bloody diary. Lay on the bed and try to kill yourself.
The plot task “Eternal Thirst”
Waking up in bed, distribute experience points, buying new skills. One of them will be mandatory – “Autophagia”, and another – at your discretion from offensive skills.
How to treat Jonathan in Vampyr
For the treatment of the main character, serum can be used, bite opponents or activate Autophagy skill. Through the skill menu, you can increase the level of recovery of HP when using bites (before the enemy should be stunned), the amount of serum portable (from 2 to 12 flasks at the maximum) and the effectiveness of Autophagia. For the last skill requires a certain amount of blood, which Jonathan transforms in health glasses.
Skills in Vampyr
The skills in the game are divided into several categories, but everyone is very useful and effective. On the other hand, if you do not kill everyone and everything, then you simply do not have enough experience points to unlock all skills, especially high level. Each individual skill has five levels and is usually divided into two branches, allowing to achieve increased efficiency due to larger cooldown or blood flow, or reduce efficiency in order to minimize cooldown or reduce blood intake.
To unlock the skills you need experience points.
How to pump in vampyr
To get experience points, you can perform plot and side quests, search for collectible notes, find a new weapon, improve it, communicate with the inhabitants, finding new tips about them. All this gives a more or less good increase to get a good ending. Also experience will be accrued at the end of the battle with the opponents – for each on average 5 points of experience. The developers of the game are all foreseen, so the farm experience is impossible here and the game will really be difficult if you decide to do without the victims.
The most effective way to quickly receive experience is the murder of civilians in four regions of London. At the same time, the amount of experience gained depends on the quality of their blood, on which diseases affect the disease and open tips. More about this later.
Move around Marker. If you want, you can already now familiarize yourself with the London map by clicking on the M key. Of course, we are talking about a small part of the city – you will not be caught to run around London. On the other hand, already now you can see the scope of the game world (do not forget that you can learn some at home and go down to the sewer).
Soon the hunters will be found. Go down and open the doors ahead, next to the place where you found a note. Teleport to the top floor, inspect useful items and aimed corpse to get old count. He also will find the key unlocking the door and allows you to leave this place.Vampire Hunters.
Weapons for the left hand in Vampyr and stunning
The game has such a thing as stunning. Jonathan can drink blood in rats (small increase) or exceptionally stunned opponents. To stun the goal, you can get from the back and secretly attack, hit several times with two-handed weapons (when modifications, choose not damage, and the growth of stunning glasses) or take advantage of the weapon for the left hand. To hit such a weapon, click on PCM. Then stun you target or not depends on your level.
Under the health scale of any opponent there is a “white strip”. As soon as it is empty, the enemy will be temporarily stunned and Jonathan will be able to bite him.
The weapon for the left hand can also give other bonuses – for example, blood growth with every blow.
Stun the enemy with a weapon for the left hand and for the first time drink blood. Drying blood from enemies is not considered a crime, so it does not affect the ending. On the other hand, you can not stun the opponent so that it completely lost consciousness – just kill or run past. On the game what you will shoot opponents will not affect, so run by only in one case – the enemy is too strong.
Go through the bridge, rising upstairs, use teleportation. Soon you will find shillings under the stairs.
Money in Vampyr (Gaming currency, how to get)
In the game there are monetary units – shillings. You can find them right in the middle of locations, but usually in small volumes. They fall out of vampire hunters pockets. In addition, in almost every residential region there are merchants who can sell collected things, serums, medicines and even weapons. Be careful – the collected things in some cases better disassemble the ingredients, interacting with the work desk, and the cost of selling the finished medicine is much cheaper than the price of the ingredients, if you buy them from a merchant.
On prices for merchants affects the status of a region that depends on the number of patients and healthy people.Region status.
Also, money can be obtained for performing plot and side tasks (investigations).
Hitting the dock of Limehouse, activate the vampire’s vision by clicking on the V key. Move on the bloody tracks for which you get to the asylum of the vampire. Drain if you can, then buy new skills, then move in the footsteps in the Bar “Turquoise Turtle”. Here you can find three people – drunk, the waitress and host Tomma Watts. Talk to all on different topics, follow the top tier and watch the cat-scene, upon completion of which to get acquainted with Dr. Edgar Swansea, representing the Brotherhood of St. Paul. Choose any dialog phrases.
Move down and talk with Sabrina to learn about William Bishope, which part-time has to Wattsu for a former comrade.
Maintain Dialogues in Vampyr
During the dialogue, you can use tips that allow you to improve blood quality for a goal for obtaining a large number of experience. You will also receive additional experience if you find such tips. Tips can be identified during the conversation with the same character, other NPC or when searching for houses and surroundings (when you find notes and letters; collectible non-account).Dialogues in the game are very important.
Now speak with the bartender and ask him for William, stating that he is his friend. Move on the pier marked with a marker, inspect the dead body in the boat and take a collective note (I will not point to the location of each of them). Teleport to the other side, go through blood stains and stun the enemy, praying for him from behind. To do this, you need to switch to walk – clamp and hold the Q key.
In the next dock there will be new opponents. Here you will learn for the vampire faint mode. Using it (key V), you can view the level of the enemy, its name and resistance.
Resistance damage in enemies
Each opponent has certain icons next to the scale. They can be noticed during the battle or in front of it if you activate the vampire mode. Icons There are four species – “Crosspiece Swords”, “Cross-toe Firearms”, “Drop” and kinda like “Moon”. All of them indicate the presence of resistance to the damage from near, firearms, bloody and shadow skills, respectively. Also, icons can be yellow or red – medium and high resistance to this type of damage.
In the second building you can find another note and a shotgun an old Lapara. When you leave, you will find the door leading to new shelter. If you want, visit it.
Move through the bridge and in the house on the right side will detect traces of blood. You will also hear the monologue of William Bishop. Before walking inside to the pier, where Bishop and the priest are located, you can pull out the old braid from the boxes – the first two-handed weapons. Go inside and see bishop. From belongs to rocks, vampires of the lowest race, but has a greater supply of HP. At the same time, the battle of Bishop is no different from the rock.
Bosses in Vampyr
During the game, you will encounter with a lot of bosses, but not everything is so difficult and definitely, as it seems. Each new opponent in the game will appear under the guise of boss. That is, now it is William Bishop, a cliff. In the future, you will fight with the same enemies, ordinary cliffs, but they will have just a smaller stock of HP.
There are only two unique opponents – Mary and Alay Queen. And all the others, although they will have their own names, refer to one or another varieties of the genus of the bloody plague.
Evading the enemy, attack him. Bishop either causes one blow, or attacks a combo from three lows. After that, Bates goal. Also, sometimes Bishop accelerates and jumps towards Jonathan. So all the rocks will act, trying to drink blood from the main character.
After the death of the enemy, the old landlord will fall out of it. Talk to the priest Sean Hampton, then watch the cat-scene. Take a blood sample, and then watch a new video, allowing Jonathan to get to the Pembroke Hospital – the first region of London.
Scene task “Deliver me to the hospital”
Swansee with Dorothy are engaged in patients with a stairs. Go to the left side along the river to see how Cox Cool kills his opponent. Here you will first be able to use hypnosis and understand the concept of “blood quality”.
So, hypnotized the goal, you will need to spend it on the bloody path and decide how to do – kill (clamp the F key) to get 500 points of experience, or let go (“Space”).
How would you not play in the future, I recommend not to suck the blood from the glue right now – it is better to do it later when he is healthy (I do not remember whether it is originally sick) and you will reveal additional tips, raising blood quality. So do with each character.