Victoria: Revolutions: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 14, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Victoria: Revolutions: Passage
Victoria: Revolutions: Game Walkthrough and Guide
This time Paradox Interactive offered a new way to distribute the game – via the Internet. Indeed, why not for noble donam, and about 15 added years and the possibility of translation of the preservation of the game in the “Victory Day 2” will not have to think yet soon. Still attract the attention of unfamiliar buttons-assistants in the upper left corner of the screen, allowing to respond to events that no messages are served. For example, at some of your plants there is an insufficient amount of raw materials.

And that’s all that rushes into the eyes. However, only a few hours will be held – and you will understand that the game changed. And so that it is necessary to play it completely different. Perhaps, let’s start.


All sorts of new inventions are only the top of the iceberg, what attracts attention at the first moment. While the most radical changes affecting everything else, there were precisely in politics. If earlier the party was attended for a long time in the game rather nominally, which is real, and only having received power as a result of the elections, they organized the horror of change in the country, now they are initially represented in much more and really affect the life of the state.

So – each of the parties has 5 points of the program. This is economics, trade, religion, military business and attitude to non-mechanical peoples. Even with the monarchy as the form of the board, one of the parties will definitely affect its policy, with the difference that the monarch has full right to do not give a damn on the sympathy of the population and appoint a more pretty party for him to the position of the ruling.

And these very items of the program are not a fiction, but real pros and cons. For example, by choosing the desired batch for a good economic program and setting it on the board, it is often possible to find that her views on the war are very sharply diverged with your. And the party, which is most beneficial in military plan, may have a completely uncommentable opinion on the citizenship of non-cristed peoples. Therefore, it is necessary to choose from many angry less and in every way to help get this part of most votes. Or in every way to adapt under the available.

This is interesting: Now in the Consciousness section of citizens can find such an item as confidence in the ruling party. Therefore, the party matters not only for the economy, but also to change the mood of citizens.

There were so many types of ideology in the game, and now one more – fascism appeared, although often he does not differ from the party of reactionaries. All the same state administration of the economy, chauvinism and cutting the rights of minorities. The most sympathetic officers and soldiers sympathize with her, but with a constantly leading war and the politics of chauvinism, the reactionaries susceptible to it will.

By the way, reactionaries are large supporters of the presidential dictatorship, which often makes it possible to turn cunning political tricks, reducing discontent with the population. It is necessary only a certain amount of money and the desire to conduct these most reforms. We introduce a bipartisan system – the parties appear, the people calm down a little. Immediately introduce free elections, and often liberal anarchists, the main disturbances of calm, disappear from the political arena. And then the reactionarists are completely independently introduced by the presidential dictatorship, and all for a while they get satisfied with each other.

Economy and science

Start yet with science. Yes, the tree of inventions have increased significantly, and now in each industry is no longer five, but six inventions – in other words, it was 150 instead of 125. True, it is not necessary to hope that you will be able to use them very soon – new technologies become available for public only since 1919.

The exchange of these inventions is now wearing a more civilized character. In the sense – in the process of exchange you will never get at your disposal of inventions that are not available to you in terms of research opportunities. For example, in the original game it was possible during a single exchange easily to get the entire set of inventions in the field of railways – there would be such a “scientific donor”. Now, without having inventions in this area, it is possible to obtain only the first (because for each following necessarily the previous one). That is, even having contacts with a country that has fully studied railway case, “to lure” her all know-how can not be less than 6 exchanges. Yes, and that is pure theoretical calculations, as there are still crosspieces with other spheres of science.

True, it is not necessary to get involved in exchanges – it is not necessary – it is noted that with the rapid production of a large number of inventions, the opening themselves are delayed for a long time and the result from such an exchange can be waited very and very soon.

In addition, the inventions have become more expensive and more saturated by discoveries. If earlier 12 points of science on the discovery was incredibly expensive, now there are also 15 points inventions of high levels. So move science by all means – and she will answer you. As many priests in early time and officials later – and your science will confidently move to prosperity.

This is interesting: From now on, discoveries often accompany the choice. For example, on the forums dedicated to the game, a lot of disputes spent the topic that it is better: the theory of jurlar or Clausevitz. After all, in the main game everything depended on luck – what a computer will choose. So, now you can not suffer from the prospect of war for the scheme that does not suit you – the theory you can choose themselves. Like many other things.

The economy is now tightly tied to capitalists. If earlier this layer of society was unimensive and only improved the work of the factory, then in addition, the capitalists received additional rights and fully depend on the economic course chosen by the ruling party. All such directions 4.

  • Nebidity (Laissez Faire) does not give a player right to influence the development of the economy. Plants and railways are built and improved only by capitalists.
  • Intervention (Interventionism) Allows you to improve railways and factories (and railways also build), but the construction of factories is still only in the hands of capitalists. Improvements for them are expensive than in non-interference.
  • STATE CAPITALISM – a completely different order of the economy. The player has the full right to build anything, but it is forbidden to create new groups of capitalists. Except that they migrate from any aristocrats or officials. At the same time, capitalists also have the right to build, but do it rarely and indecisively. And not always in the topic, a brilliant example of what was a plant for the production of clipspers, built by local capitalists in Tbilisi in 1909. Of course, the huge masses of workers there and did not smell (plantations to handle – and not enough), but the Board was in the hands of reactors known to the cutting of the rights of national minorities. By itself, no clipper from this plant no one ever saw.
  • Planned economy (Plane Economy) Usually in honor of socialist and communist parties. Here the player builds everything only himself, and the capitalists are generally resting on the sidelines.

What can capitalists can? They usually build only in their native regions. Factory – exclusively, and railways will reach out for them objects. The backyards of your empire will remain the backyards, if they do not have a single capitalist. If the capitalists are too much (suddenly you decided that there is a lot of not enough, and transferred many of our citizens in this layer), then the accumulation of money will slow down and more than perhaps at the current stage, they will still not build.

By the way, the limitations on the “mancinism” are generally characteristic of the game. And many previously not controlled characteristics now have their own threshold depending on the level of development in this area. Money capitalists earn exports, so excessively refrigerated customs payments (TARIFF) will significantly reduce the increase in money from capitalists, and therefore – and the speed of road construction and factories. Basically, they are building factories that produce consumer products (for example, furniture or clothing), which allows it to be exported. Therefore, here supporters of state capitalism in a somewhat more winning situation, because the same tanks and other high-tech products have excellent industrially developed England and the United States appear only from the external market – they themselves are trying not to produce.

If for the production of goods initially lacks a resource, then the corresponding factory is simply not built. It will not be built in the event that in the region one factory is already empty (not occupied jobs). But if some resource is not enough to have already established factories – a new production of the desired raw materials will be urgently created somewhere.

The principles of filling factories workers have changed. Previously, we gave a giant money, transferring workers from farmers to artisans, and tried to do this operation with as large groups of people as possible – in the hope that they will soon share and we will have several unnecessary groups of workers for which you can build or expand a new factory. Now you can share the population of 40,000 in size, while obtaining 2 groups – in a quarter and three quarters from the initial number of citizens.

Considering that the groups of 40,000 groups are very insignificant to increase the productivity of plants, such a “reproduction” is an extremely cheap and fast way to develop the economy. To fill the plant for 10 seats, it is now enough to retrain three groups of peasants in size about 90 thousand, sharing them into smaller. Or split groups from already working in other factories in the province.

It is important: Railways and previously had a value, but more in terms of transportation of troops from place to place. Now the development of the railway network is more than seriously moving industrial development. Therefore, we study them first and build in all industrial regions.

Seriously changed and prices. First, the cost of railways, except for money, is also estimated in the mechanisms, and very cunning. For example, holding the railway of the first level is only 0.10 of the mechanism. But then the price increases 0.05 per level! Although the cost of laying roads in the monetary equivalent has decreased slightly, and there are a number of inventions to reduce the cost of railways and factories (as a whole – they decreased in the price of precisely their improvements, although the high-tech factory has fallen by an order of magnitude). True, it was compensated by the fact that from now on for improving factories, cement and iron.

As a result, cement, and before the former strategic raw material, became the subject of the first need to par with steel. The cost of improving the production of raw materials. If earlier everything was worth 100 coins and some kind of wood production rapidly grew, now to invest 500-1000 and more coins are not so simple, and seriously thinking – and whether it is necessary, this is agriculture. While the plants clearly fell.

This is interesting: With successfully conducted studies in the field of culture, it is possible to be among the first in line for the mechanisms and constantly buy them in the market, the benefit of some unknown manufacturer always has. Even when everyone has only technology, but no one produces these mechanisms.

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