Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 23, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Passage
Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, we wake up inside the tin can, we begin to find out where we are and how they got here (well still, remember as our name, – Michel Ardan!)
The interface has practically not changed from the previous game “Kheops” (“Return to the Mysterious Island”): click right-handled mouse button – and inventory, menus, menu, etc. In the upper left corner, we see the magazine where it is necessary to visit periodically. Things as it is groaned you need to place on the shelves. It is advisable to observe order to be more convenient to search. So briefly figured out, now in the way.

Unfold and look down. We take a canister and funnel.
You can immediately apply canister on a funnel.
Deploy and go ahead, to bodies, md… We immediately unfolds to the left body – this is Barbikein, the President of the Cannon Club, neatly wrapped in a sheet.
Deploy to another body, OP, this is Captain Nikoll, also carefully wrapped (see one hand pelenali).
Turn to the left, to the stairs. We see a wrench and newspaper clipping. Take the first and read the second. Aristocratic manners are probably not allowed to use both two hands at the same time, so we hold only the belt on which the key hung, and he falls. Do not matter, pick up with the floor.
Unfold and look under your feet. We see two circles, red and blue. I propose to open right away.
We climb on the stairs, try to turn the handle… and not coming out, the tales. We look up. We take a wrench and turn the hatch bolts. Oops, the lid sailed… stars… the beauty… Go down.
Unscrew the bolts at the left and right cover. Better do it now in order not to run quickly.
Now unscrew the last bolts at the bottom cover. Luke falls, and the lid opens… Damn, but we are in space!!! What a fool former opened?! Well, that closes itself. By the way, in the game to die – spit. But not fatal, return to the previous action.
Memory begins to clear up, the shell with travelers shot out of the gun on the moon… Well, everyone lost consciousness from overload. Okay, we will not physics here, at the time of Jules, the rocket is still not invented in the present form, so we will assume that it is a prototype rocket.
Deploy and look at the devices… oh, somehow oxygen is less and less… There was no left in the cup.
Go to Barbikein’s body. We see blood on it. The key drops out of the hands. Take it and open the locker. Take everything that takes. Glass, knife, cartridges, pan, belt, two retrors, three tin cans, three raffia, grape vines (and it looks like a cactus), barrels with gunpowder and carbon dioxide chlorate that oxygen highlights. Wine until you pour into a glass. By the way, on the right ticks time, if we do not have time to do. So quickly run to the device, open the plate and smear the potash chlorate there. Close. Alive? Then go on.
Now again to the bodies. Barbikena take a hat (some kind of laddering), yeah, something there is something in it! And read a note on the body. It turns out that these two came to themselves before you, and between them, as you know, was a hostile. Yes, by the way, the hat. The mode of its knife. And get acquainted with the document that there was also a woman between them. But not everything is so simple, she rejected them both.
Now look at Nikol. Yeah. It turns out he shot a barbicane. (Clear, they drank superflore, judging by the pictures). But we will not judge early. Take rifle. By the way, practically useless. We look at the head of Nikol and learn that he was poisoned by cyanium potassium.
Strange somehow, drinks cyanide, shoots, wraps the dead man and wures his herself. Rasputin, straight, and poison did not immediately take him. At the same time we read the diary of Nikoll in his chest pocket.
Take raffia and tie both bodies.
The gun is broken, therefore the cartridges we have nothing to do, there are more aesthetic ways to commit suicide, here and the potassium cyanide is, a knife, and even thunder in space is even more original. So boldly pick up the knife. We look at our rockets and see that one empty. Pay her gunpowder.
And here, perhaps, we will feel easy malaise. Damn, oxygen a lot… and hot as in the sauna. It turns out, we stopped with heated. Reduce gas. It became easier. Return to the hatch.
Insert retrors to seats near the hatch. Let’s hope that a scrupting of the porch will stop the shell.

And here… There is weightlessness (maybe now, maybe later, maybe earlier). According to the plot, we at the point of equilibrium of the forces of attraction of the Earth and the Moon. We assume that the last stage of the rocket separated. And, here’s a dyatvah technology not provided that the absorber of carbon dioxide in weightlessness does not want to sit in the bank and split on the projectile… We collect, the benefit of Kanister with a pre-inserted funnel at hand. On droplets.

And then the weight loss ends sharply, it seems like the moon attraction (forget about physics again).
Let’s look at the devices, damn, now it’s cold and a little oxygen. Urgently increase heated. At the same time in a glass of water you can pour. You can drink (drink, eat – drink, food – on our hero).

Here we flock to the moon. Damn, the laptop from the center of flights was mistaken by the trajectory, and we rotate around the moon. Here when flashing meteor… Good meteor, however, to light up the moon!, In my opinion, it was at least a meteorite and decent sizes! Because our hero saw the structure! Yes, even a bad meteor (IT) changed the explosion to our trajectory and fall on the moon. Time remains little.
Now, we are still in a close bank and deceased somehow unhygienically. Let’s throw them into the hatch. T.E. first take the body, open the hatch and both there. Wow, and under Niclong we find the opening.
At the same time, a rifle, a wrench, canister, can and can. Because it is necessary to get rid of heavy things. Only here the vine does not need to throw out, she will be useful for you.
What else is visible?! Rooster! In the middle of the room! Materialized on the sublepletie. Let’s suit him. By the way, I hope that the button next to retroets has not yet been pressed? Right, early yet.
Next to the rooster – a bedrid paper. It turns out that a piece of scrap barbikein, which has suffered an evil fate. Cock, bastard, frightened shot and broke a note, part of which burned.
Well, now we are ready to land. Brave person, we do not think about returning.
Press the button! Time went! If the shooter is not on yellow, then it’s bad, too big mass. See you not all threw. Check that all hatches are reset, the bodies too… Yellow? Then soft landing.
With parlor!

Now forget everything that we studied on astronomy at school (and God forbid, at the university, and it will score a hysterical!)
We are on the moon. And at the light of the day there is air! So. According to the logic of things, we have only 14 terrestrial days, while there is air, it is not clear what will happen to us, the devices are broken down! And potassium chloride is also not.
Look around. Rooster, scratch, sits proudly. Knows what happened but silent. Well, okay, then interrogate.
Take from the closet everything that can be (we raphiy two pieces spent). By the way, all items can be taken up to three copies. I advise you to dial to maximum always.
And score retroquettes. Although it is not necessary to go anywhere.
Gained air more and come out out.

Some insect stuck to us… There is some kind of thoughts, red and green plants. Go on red – it makes a sound, clearly unfriendly. What does say – incomprehensible. Translator on vacation. We do without it. By the way, remember the book that they got in the closet? Look into it, so there are ideograms. In the game there will be many.
Yes, and what it is green, a bunch, a bit like? Fruit of strange. We take (do not forget everything in three copies).
Our projectile is undercut the stone, but we cannot move, the lever is required.
We go towards a strange color structure. Path one. So far.
Caution, abyss! Let’s still unfold and under your feet will see another yellow-color fruit – Mephia. Unfortunately, only one.
There is nothing more interesting here.

We will do acrobatics. Signed? Well, if not, it is not scary, here it is necessary to record it periodically only in case of hanging (it was a couple of times, but this is my local problem, apparently) and in case of selection of combinations (about that later).
Let’s see first. Left horn, right horn. Where, in principle, now anyway. Let’s go right. Not so simple? Click on the button it is necessary when the arrow on green. Not from the first, so with the second attempt.

Overall? I would not dare so with the go. Stay. Before us, the field falling by some plants, for some reason growing strictly in segments. Why – it becomes clear later. Yellow and green. Yeah, yes this is Mephitius and Stragulik. Let’s try to approach them. Oops. One pumps gas, the second waves with leaves. They need to calm something (Eh, where my machete?! Now I would bother everything!). Well, we are in the Green Peace society, and can not be so cruel. So it’s so far.
Raise back.

From here we can get back to the projectile, well, there we have nothing to do. We can jump on all the horns of this plateau. But if we take a look, in the middle something is glowing bright. Let’s go there for a start!

Fit? OK. In, damn, multicolored plants, but somehow we grow strangely with segments, like in beds. Oh, and under your feet our iron seats from the hatch, the drowned, though.
So plants. Yellow, Green, Purple, Red and Blue. I will postpone in memory. Looking around. We go to the left water body. Oh, we found two moon coins! Yes Yes. Economy is in stock. Sorry to credit cards did not think. And here is a slot for coins… Broken. HM. And what is the reservoir? You can, of course, choose a combination, but so far it is not necessary. Let’s postpone this mystery. Buttons on the remote control on the left of the reservoir are not pressed, probably due to the first mystery.
Looking around. Go to the second reservoir. Again a mystery, and even part of the ideograd. And at the same time, what we know? Nothing. Life, Food… Few.
And what’s left? Looks like a telescope. And gap (for coins) and two ideograms. Tick I… Well came. Lunatic (Selinitis). Our hero is already breaking to meet. And at the same time, and learn two ideograms – to see and money.
What else is there? Yeah, lunar cane. Blue one. Let’s take.

We go towards sticking spikes, a little down. We see below the strange mechanism. Go down to it. Religious – the tales need lubrication. Well, did not take with you the oil on the moon, you will have to somehow do without it. Oh, and a number of measures of Mephia. We gain.
We go to the grotto. On the left, the machine brings. By the way, you do not come to your ear in childhood? If so, then one mystery will be just sadism. But this is later. On the right we see something on the floor… Moonlight, Moonl Rafia and Dead Branch. Look at her carefully. This is clearly artificial. Hybrid of two plants. Yeah. Maybe immediately begin the experiment? What we have? Our two plants. Mephia and Stragulika. At each other? And if you put in the soil? Wow! Seeds of Mafitia and Stragliki. And type us will not touch, because they remember who landed them. So what we are before? And hybrids! And what if we mix? Yeah. It remains to tie lunar raffia and… Voila, Hybrid Mafitia and Stragliki! By the way, I recommend to twist and collect three varieties of every living nature. Sad, but need. No longer remind of fees.
What else we see in the grotto? Ladder. I go. MDA… Two cranes. Turn. Still nothing happens. Well, face brains. Left ideogram should mark water. Then you need to establish water supply. Postpatch. What else is visible? Fan. Maybe the second is air? Well, the air is clear, the air is needed, but the water is on Coy?!
What else is – picture and apparatus. We look at it.
Mystery? Nonsense! I have l p p l p p. Drech for the lever. OP, still staircase! And the fan twisted. So, here while nothing to do. Climb on a new staircase. We again from above.

Now proceed to the study of the plateau. We go to the luminous field. You can only jump from him. As we understood, on each ledge we will be waited for plants with aggressive behavior that need to be pacified. Do not know how. Looking around. See double horns? It’s between yellow and blue. Jump…
Alive? Fine. See through the abyss of the cave in the mountain? Here we are there. We are just somewhere there at the top seen local aborigine at the gate when they looked at the telescope. Jumped? We look, look around… Go to ideograms. Oh, two more signs found out – water and fire! Indeed, in the grotto we saw them and guess right. And what is it next to the left? Coins. And place for landing. Class. And what can we plant? Well, it is clear that local plants seem to us. And we have grape vines! Trying. Did not work out. Recall the dead branch – it was a hybrid, and we have already learned the hybrids to do. Let’s try to make a grape hybrid with something else… Nothing? And what is this ball blue flew? Let’s catch! Spruce fruit – carnivorous plant, brrr… A, and with himself does not want, and if it is germinated? Spot + Earth. We get spontaneous seeds. And to grapes. Hooray. Now a little raffia and we got something… Let’s plan. Khrushchev with corn resting! For a few seconds, the moon grapes rose, and with fruits! Learn, breeders! Let’s break and grapes to be.

Let’s summarize the presentation of vegetation. We have fruit yellow, blue and green. Grape. Yellow-green hybrid. While leave. Stay. On the right wall drawing with ideograms. Let’s face convolutions. Some kind of “drank” attacks “needles”. And we see some plants. You can of course try to draw and identify, but we will not hurry. We have two alternatives. Jump up the rocks to the right of the drawing or climb through the vine. I recommend climb. On the rocks it is more convenient to descend (despite the fact that usually, at least, on the sinful earth, on the contrary). But we are on the moon.

We see the staircase (somewhere in the sky), a strange circle, a great view of color plateau and drawings. What in Figure? Some “pod” attacks the “saw”. “Pod” looks like a mushroom with hands. “Saw” for something with balls. And here it is, on the left grows in the background, it is clear, “Saw” is a spontaneity – blue fruits!
Now pay attention to the circle. Oh, buttons are pressed, the colors change. Buddle before your eyes – color plateau. We draw the same and get in the hands of a circle. We read annotation to him. See the goods needed in the farm. What, you can still? We recruit I… does not work. What a combination can be? Turn? Non-A. Mirror? Yes! And get another circle in the reverse order! And so in a circle. The greed is not sprawling. Scored? Now let’s go upstairs, get acquainted with aborigine. Some kind of dissatisfied, fists squeezed, and still spat in our direction. Well, in general, the culture is absent tightly! Pay attention – it sits green and purple plant. Hmm, interesting, take a look at the circle. These two colors lie near! In theory, neighboring colors live together. Let’s pick up. Yeah, we were kicked out. Never, let’s go. To the left of the circle we see concessions. Let’s jump on him.

What on the wall? Little “spike” attacks the “pod”. By the way, apparently, the icon in the midst – “attack”. Jump further down. But the spontaneous growing can be collected yet… On the wall… EEE… I do not even know, the “guitar” attacks “Schip”. “Guitar” looks like some mushroom borovik. Jump on. “Needles” attack “Guitar”. Recall the aborigine and the purple nastiness sat on the left shoulder. Seeing “needles” – a purple plant attacks Mushroom Borovik. Jump further.

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