Warhammer: Mark of Chaos – Battle March: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 8, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Warhammer: Mark of Chaos – Battle March: Passage
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos – Battle March: Game Walkthrough and Guide
One orc good! What is better than one orc? Two Orc! Two orc more than one… This is much more fun! Aargh!
Chompo, philosopher from Dung Heap

Orcs – Very charming race. Where you can choose orcs, especially if the role is present, your humble servant becomes big, green and fangy. So when in the “march of destruction” the orcs declared the main game race, I was delighted, but also alert. On the one hand, we will finally be able to fight the Fight of the Horde of Cute Zelenekeby Vary, but on the other – will not be without that pretty simple game even easier? IN HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC V The orcs reinforced the game and made the gameplay more diverse and thoughtful. And what will they bring to Warhammer? Will be able to bring the game to Dark Omen and increase the value of tactics?

Tour at Verepre

“March of destruction” does not make changes to the basics of the game. There are still two modes: global and tactical. In the first we go on the map from the mission to the mission, replenish the detachments, improve them. This mode cannot be compared with what is in the series Total War. We do not have our cities and territories. We just go ahead by us a planned route. Freedom on a global map practically no. All points are built in a row, and we can only perform additional tasks or abandon them. If you remember, they were still in Dark Omen, but there the award for the optional missions was significantly. For example, detachment of dwarves… And here we only get gold. This can be safely attributed to the flaws of the game, because to fight for money, which is so enough, not very much and want.

The second mode in which we spend almost all game time is tactical. We saw it in Imperial Glory, Total War series, in Dark Omen. Under our leadership are not individual fighters, but detachments, and they have their own general indicators – such as martial spirit, armor, health and t.P. But, unlike the listed games, in Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is a hero who is able to fight independently. And one such fighter can easily destroy several enemy detachments.

Heroes are conditionally divided into magicians and fighters. The first gravily fragile, but there are powerful spells, and the second are very strong and always fight on the front. Their main task is to support troops.

Although the tactical battles seem to resemble battles in Rome: Total War, actually the differences are significant. Developers from Black Hole Entertainment Take the basis of the Rules of Desktop Warhammer Fantasy Battles, where there are some definite rules. For example, the dark elves crossbow has a defense indicator equal to zero, although it is not the case on it – on it the same armor, as on the alabardes. Many fighters have certain skills, and in whole races.

Where you delivered my hammer?!

However, the experts of Warhammer Fantasy Battles will be very and very upset by the inattention, which the authors of the game showed to their beloved world, and especially the rules and characteristic properties of races and detachments.

What do two orc detachments do in Warhammer Fantasy Battles if there is no enemy nearby? With a considerable share of probability – decide to spend time with the benefit, that is, expose to each other physiognomy. This is called “Enmosolyy), to tame which only black orcs knew how… But in the “march of destruction” you will not find.

And night goblins? Oh, how they pleased the eye behind the game table! The detachment of the most ordinary senseless goblins crawled alongside the enemy parking lot – and from it rockets in different directions, to whom the hill and a face will be sent, fanatics with huge tsepami, pre-deprused poisonous fungi! And here you save someone who can, under the action of agariths, the differences between their and strangers somehow close…

Unfortunately, poor fellows died, killed developers. Of them made a plush separate A squad that differs from ordinary goblins only with a higher martial spirit. Morgenishtern remained, but only one fanatics, and even that – in its own does not beat, and strangers practically does not cripple. In addition, false fanatics – may the face of the oppressive sacrifices, these pathetic fakes! – go… Build.

But the scream buried from the chest, especially since there is a omission in the game and more serious. For example, since the times of Mark of Chaos left the right to shoot a squad, beating with your ally to hand-to-hand, without applying its own losses. The combat system still seems unfinished. Borrowed from Warhammer Fantasy Battles Taken slices, but there is no one’s own detailed study. The result will surprise not only a player who has never heard of the desktop strategy, but also the one who spent it for many hours.

Bay Ruby, Ruby Bay!

The main disadvantage of the original game was kuts. We played for the empire, under our command there was a small army, the enemies attacked from different sides, and the battles have won trite – we appear alternately all our troops on the enemy and give the number. The levels of difficulty changed. In one case, I had to buy fighters for two thousand, in the other – four and a half. That’s just in the treasury there were always about five thousand gold.

If imperial (and even elven!) The army won the number, what about the orcs? They are not at all lovers of ingenious tactics. The main thing is to approach the length of Tesaca, the rest will somehow.

Alas, so that the developers of the complication of tactics would say, the surest way to win – to hire ten of his detachments into three strangers, after which they repeat to the victorious. Well… For the orcs, this is at least in the spirit of race. On any complex tactics they answer forehead. The enemy comes from different sides, and the greenstocks run immediately to all and – right! – Bat in the forehead. Scream “Aarrgh!”And flat ispaboutthat from the commander (more precisely, the references) are attached. What cut eyes in Mark of Chaos, quite to the place in the “march of destruction”.

Still, we really hoped that the developers will make decent battles. Nevertheless, we travel around the map rather, more in our way, what we think about the competent arrangement of troops. The enemy exceeds us tenfold, but attacks two and three detachments. That they are against two hundred orcs? And no matter how funny it is at first, closer to the end becomes boring.

The game is somewhat diversified the second race – dark elves. They have other fighters, another tactic, but we won anyway due to the number and powerful headshop. Although, we will be honest, the dark elves are more difficult. They have fewer detachments participate in battle, and other cards. And still closer to the final you get tired of traveling…

Little Surprises for the Big Boss

However, we will not underestimate developers from the Black Hole Entertainment – they, as it turned out, Mostims on Fiction. And after the “march of destruction” I begin to fear surprises…

Before us enemy castle. In it – hundreds of swordsmen, archers and cannons are located on the walls, and any move towards the castle means death of soldiers. At the disposal of one catapult, which is broken at the first appearance on the battlefield, and several detachments with siege stairs. Our task is trivial enough – grab the castle. Everything would be nothing, but the enemies are much more than the orcs, and they have arrogance to defend! In battle on the walls, we carry large losses, in battle on Earth – too, even a simple move towards the castle dramatically reduces the number of troops. Upon completion of the mission under our leadership, one hero remains.

The mission is really difficult, as the developers promised, although the castle takes quite possible. But the approach is strange – to capture the fortress, you just have to break forward. Tactics? No matter how… Speed! The main thing is to move quickly, not to pay attention to opponents, and if you get involved in battle, then with a triple advantage. It does not always come out, so Gorbash is killed, and the mission begins again.

And when we finally pass it, we will buy a lot of recruits and go to fulfill the next mission, we will again wait for a very difficult battle. Only now under our control there will be not experienced fighters, but newcomers. We will have to either change the level of complexity, or once at times try to defeat. Not to say that it was a little exciting…

At the end of the campaign for the orcs, we first lose the detachments that hardly developed to the third level, and then begin the mission where you need veterans. And good would be able to win with the help of military tricks – so no! I have to re-attack in the forehead, only weak detachments.

But even on it can close your eyes. Let it be necessary to overire a mission several times, finally develop tactics (the most sophisticated battles occurred just after all veterans died)… But what if the loss in the mission is practically independent of us?

In the penultimate battle for the dark elves, we first destroy the enemies for a long time, go around the entire card, and after our hero he holds one on one with the opponent. If you did not invest glasses in a duel branch and your hero is not a forty-level – loss provided. The enemy is above the level, stronger, he has more health. Lost, then again passed the mission and played again in duel. What will be ordered to do the Lord developers? Take the game from the very beginning?

The creators can forgive robust missions, you can forget about the tactics left without attention, but this approach is destroyed for the game. Honest word, at the end I wanted to increase the level of the hero to the codes to finally kill the enemy…

DARK OMEN Nobody writes

When it is also preparing for the exit, the original game, we hoped that it would be similar to Dark Omen. Something from her really turned into the Mark of Chaos (the banner of the detachments, additional missions), but the foundation remained overboard. Alas, “March of destruction” also did not go in the footsteps of one of the best games in the Universe Warhammer.

In Dark Omen, the main ones were excellent fixed battles. Make this game exclusively network – and she will lose the lion’s share of charm. In the “march of destruction” the multiplayer regime, on the contrary, is preferable because there the enemy acts logical.

The missions have to just travel from one point to another, by the way killing enemies. Compare Dark Omen, where every mission is in some way the work of art. For example, a night attack on the city, where the enemies climb on all sides and have to be pressed to the house in the center. Or storming heights under artillery fire. Or chariot kings of tombs on the stal river. Or “good hunting” of Norse Ragnar on trolls… But there was not even two full races.

Now the possibilities have become much more, but the developers of somehow did not want to take advantage of them, was adopted in the formulation except negotiations of the main characters, but they also seem no more than comments to what is happening. If you deny the specifics of the specifics, the meaning of them is quite trivial: “Oh, the collapse happened. We must get around it, “” is a trap, like a pity “.

Big green beauties

But, despite the abundance of flaws, the game still attracts – and first of all, precisely because of the orcs and their comments. The fighters of the empire spoke boring voices something like “yes, sir”, “go, sir”, and the orcs can not be so easy! They hover words, they carry a naive nonsense, constantly complain about the lack of a fight (even in the heat of battle). It is a pity, do not argue with each other, for them they make a shaman and refuel. They do not just comment on battles, but they are interpreted and something is told to each other.

The plot is not bad, although I am inferior to Dark Omen;Orcs entertain you from the soul, but the dark elves are more boring. Their cunning has already been able, and stupidity, like everyone else, is limitless. But, unfortunately, the story is revealed through the screensaver on the engine of the game, made from the hands of Won badly and showing everything on a third of the screen. Figures angular, image dim and muddy. And if orcs it almost does not harm, then the elves are truly terrible. The main heroine of Lilat – in theory, beautiful – in practice is terrible as a mortal sin. These rollers do not go to any comparison with what they are shown at the beginning of the game.

However, beyond the limits of the rollers, the animation became more diverse, and the battles look much more realistic.

Orc in the network

That developers recycled really strongly so this is a network mode. In the original game he was not bad, but the balance there still chrome. In addition, the developers have added new troops, and the old has changed the balance. The new, gaining popularity of the World Domination mode, in which we can walk along the global map, and after participating in tactical battles.

More attention is now given to the creation of the “game deck” – and much depends on the right selected army, where all soldiers can interact well. We see something like “demiurges” where necessary idea, A simple set of troops is completely useless.

Alas, the attack of local orcs little brought to the game. “Marsh destruction” is stronger than the original, but almost all the latest ideas went to the network regime, and the game campaign could not approach Dark Omen. And we hoped so…

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