Warlords 4: Heroes of Etheria: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Saga about Varlordakh. Quick Guide
“Varlorda” – Having heard this name, many veterans of computer games, and now, respectable fathers and mothers of families, make sure, remembering sleepless nights, full immersion in the fantasy world of the great heroes and the ancient dragons, the world of magic and epic battles. I dare to say, there are few lovers of computer games in the world, who did not hear anything about “Varlorda”. This game has stunning charisma and attractiveness. It is more than just another step-by-step (certainly!) Fantasy Strategy. “Varlorda” is a cult, lifestyle, a special look at the world, a kind of special philosophy of being. Do not forget and about truly unique REPLAYABILITY – not so much in the world of games, to which you want to go back again and again. In “Varlordov” you can play, without exaggeration, infinite.
Recently released long-awaited “Warlords 4: Heroes of Eterius” (hereinafter – “Varlorda”), practically achieved perfection. What makes the author of these lines make such loud statements? Each line of diagram under the name “Varlorda 4” is overflowed by millions of shades, creating a completely unique picture. Graphics of the game are unfortunate – what these turquoise waves are standing, wash the habitats of the gnomes – the impregnable rocks of the Mountain Massive Cozes-Dom;or these seas of fiery lava in the kingdom of legendary dragons. Music support “Varlordov” is as impeccable as everything else. Fascinating medieval melodies – they add to the canvas of the game the most strokes that distinguish the Great game from just very good.
The author of these lines did not set it to write to the encyclopedia about the fourth “warords”, although this wonderful game is deserved. No, I just wanted a little more than expanded to describe the advantages and disadvantages of one or another race, to give several recommendations of tactical order, save from common mistakes and t.D.
In the world of “warrords” inhabit exactly 10 races. Choosing a race that you are pretty, be sure to find out which races are your races, and which, on the contrary, is infinitely far away – this can be done with the help of the so-called “circle of races”, on which the closest types of creatures are negotiated with each other. By the way, I was surprised to find that, it turns out, one of the two RED ELFAMES – Dragons. Rather unexpected “kinship”, you do not find? Relationships of races play a big role when capturing cities – just taken related to you the city automatically increases its level per unit (for example, the cashpost turns into the lock). At the same time, the newly acquired fundamentally alien real estate a priori must be improved, as a result of which the city level decreases by 1. The more close to you or another race, the smaller the amount you need to spend on strengthening its cities. And on the contrary, it is possible to destroy the settlement of only the “nationality”, which is located on the “Circle of Ras” rather far from the “ethnic group” under the control.
one. Demons.
Demons – Traditionally Negative Characters. Despite this, they possess the fairing shares of the Harizma. On their side there are three-liter hydra (Snake Gorynych?), able to attack at once all members of the enemy detachment – very powerful, but quite expensive and not too fast monster. “Easy aviation” demons – demons – has a skill “mocking”, forcing the enemy’s warrior, at the same time reducing his “attack” at 3 units. In addition, demons – good scouts. Easy infantry demons – gatherers of shower – can suck the vitality from the enemy (Vampirism skill). Heavy infantry – the servants of the devil – have the ability in the literal sense of the word to fry enemies on slow “fire”. Thanks to these features, demons are very dangerous for any opponent. If they still had powerful flying units – the prices would not have.
2. Elf.
The world’s most mobile race in the world “Varlordov” – elves – have a bonus for moving along the forests (but not dollars). The fastest troops in the game (along with the cavalry of the Imperials) – Elf Knights – has a special skill “speed”, each item of which adds a group of vehicle glasses. Moreover, if there are several cavalryrs in the group, points accumulate (summed), which allows the whole group to move, literally, with wind speed.
In front of the player who choose the elves as a native race, the problem of choice will be very soon – what is better, unicorn or elven knights? At first glance, it may seem that it is more profitable to train elven knights – they have a beneficial effect on the movement speed of the detachment, their content is much cheaper, while they are more skillful in the attack. It may seem that the chief plus of unicorns – a little more than “competitors”, the number of vitality. But the unicorns, due to the possession of a special skill “healing”, can heal their combat comrades. Therefore, I recommend at least one unicorn in the elven squad to the elven squad, to achieve the next level, to “pump out” this fabulous tricks is this characteristic (“Healing”). Less obvious is the ability to crawl in front of another battle with the participation of a unicorn “poison” spell, which gives the magical animal another extremely unpleasant ability – namely to poison the enemy poison (+ 5 to “striking”). Thus, despite the fairly high cost of content, the unicorn is desirable (and even necessary) combat unit in each elven detachment.
Tranite is a revived tree – very powerful unit. Unfortunately, Trianta is not very damaged, but, thanks to the special skill “Protection”, which makes them invulnerable for enemy arrows, they are great at storming cities. At the same time, having a huge reserve of the vitality of the TANANT – one of the best defensive fighters in the game.
An excellent choice for the playing for elves will, for example, such a part of the detachment: 2 TRAINTA + 1 Unicorn + 3 elven knight + 2 archer.
3. Undead.
“Restored from hell” are extremely slow – the lively dead of the dead feels a clear shortage of muscle mass. Undead only a little more agile short-legged inhabitants of underground catacombs – Dwarfs. But the walking anatomical benefits with amazing flaredness move on the swamps – as if the Akhaltein stallions in the May meadow.
Undead creation possess many extraordinary abilities. By the way, they do not like living – maybe they envy them? Because skeletons and possess the ability of the “people’s killer”. Horsemen-skeletons in their hatred went even further – they are ready to “shift good”, to whatever race it does not belong to. Moreover, upon reaching the fifth level, the “rider without a head” is painted with an objectionable one blow – thanks to the additional skill “Killer”. Dead wizard and, part-time, arrows – a lich – possesses the cracked ability to “fatal look”, which can be called an advanced version of “horror”. In addition, due to the ability to “magical immunity”, lychee protects other inhabitants of the cemetery from the harmful effects of enemy clins. The leaching warrior faced at himself (whether it is a goblin, a fiery dragon or a 20th level hero) has a “happy” opportunity to quietly disappear, turning into a cloud of dust. Dragon Skeleton can send to the heads of the enemies “Curse”, as a result of which unlucky opponents can practically find applications to their talents and their attacking potential decreases noticeably.
4. Dragons.
Dragons – Ancient Race. The most powerful creatures in the game. Passing a campaign, you will meet the city of Dragons not as often as settlements belonging to any other race. Dragons have the best air force among all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale world “Varlordov”. Armades of swamp, air and fiery dragons are capable of sowing panic one of their appearance, turn into horror and turn the enemy’s troops to flight. Therefore, it is quite simple to play this race – against a bundle of several fiery and air dragons, except that, powerful Warlord, surrounded by expanded to 16 fighters (it is so much to accommodate the city). The only minus of the refamps – a little more time requested to determine the units.
five. Gnomes.
The slowest race in the world of varlords. Dwarves receive a bonus to move along the hills – apparently, such a low-speed creature is very conveniently rinsed from the slopes, like cubs. Arguing about the combat qualities of the Dwarfs, it can be noted that the inhabitants of the caves are very good in defense. Surprisingly good gnomes are opposed by the detachments of undelivered, drawn up even from those of mandes like dragons skeletons. The gnomes are clearly born “not flying, but crawling” – in their army, unfortunately, there was no place for the winged creatures. But their foot fighters (and even the woodcutters (t.E. Light infantry), not to mention the golems and elements) possess the envy of representatives of other races of vitality, thanks to which are one of the best defensive units in the game. Everything else, the golems have special skills “crushing blow” and “armor”, and elemental – “protection” and the same “crushing blow”. Indeed, with such louds, it is better not to face face to face! The main enemy of the Dwarfs – Orcs, koi, the inhabitants of the dungeons are able to work as serving thanks to the special skill “Fighter of Giants”. So, if you love and know how to defend yourself – boldly choose the gnomes!
6. Ogry.
“Bad Boys”. To all other – cannibals! For its dimensions – pretty agile. Owning the secret of the lightning traverse hills. Their variant of the siege tool – a stone giant – unlike similar units of other races, does not require care and successfully stand up for itself due to the large stock of “life” and a good indicator of “attack”. Therefore, playing restrictions, it is not forbidden to include in its detachments a little more siege units, which is taken from admirers of other races. Ograhs possess, perhaps, the best in the game with an intelligence unit – a giant volatile mouse. As it will seem strange, the high-quality army of fires and dwarves is very similar. But, if the gnomes are notgable in defense, then the infantry of fire has a crushing punchy force. Even light infantrymen – trolls – are formidable force due to the ability to regenerate the missing items of health. What then to say about the heavy infantry – fierce minotavrachs (ferocity is caused by the “thirst for blood”) and terrible (literally – thanks to the “horror” skill) of cannodies, with their ability to inflict “crushing strikes”? Minotaurians, besides, are indispensable when elvenials – thanks to the additional skill “Elf fighter”. So, the fires will be a good choice for those players who prefer the active style game and do not like to sit in defense.
7. Orcs.
Another example of characters with unkind intentions. Orcs – Fantasy Fraveners. Average in terms of ross mobility. These green-skinned man-shaped bread (meat?) do not eat – give a stupid among marsh trees. “Trifle Puzzled” – Goblins – love to disappear. Thanks to their ability to “purify” every time, with the plunder of captured cities, you will receive additional material benefits (in the form of a certain amount of gold coins). Not bad infantry of green-bearing – Actually, the orcs – possessing the skills of the “thirst for blood” and “supernation” (the ability to inherent in orcs – gives a simultaneous increase in the “attack” and “life” – by 1 and 2 points, respectively). You can also highlight the rod of the dragon, Vfulnna, who knows how to spit a deadly poison. Orching the army does not have either shooters or any extraordinary units, so it’s quite difficult to play this race. Thus, try to win in more powerful rivals!