Warlords Battlecry 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 2, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Warlords Battlecry 2: Passage
Warlords Battlecry 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
As a rule, in combat strategies are measured by two, maximum – three sides, differing from each other by the appearance, units, structures, buildings and all sorts of other trifles. However, sometimes developers are managed to measure and include in one RTS as many races that it would be more common for several less pretentious projects. A couple of years ago Australian "SSG" Gave the world "Warlords Battlecry", Real-Time Strategy in the World of Warlords, and here not so long ago, she launched the second part, where the races became even more – in a set of 12 pieces. It is clear that to understand all this variety of flying, crawling and biting creatures is far from being so simple, so in this guide just on this we will focus more.

To begin with, probably, it makes sense to say a few words about heroes. In fact, with the help of this key unit, which you increase the main indicators in a timely manner, hang out the uniforms and T.D., sometimes you can solve the outcome of the whole battle (if it is not strong "save", And throw in the thick of events), because its power and health are quite comparable with the indicators of a small attacking unit. Each race has its own hero, the main characteristics of which can be very different from a similar leader from another clan. It also has an important meaning to choose from his profession (warrior, thief, priest and magician – for example, playing people, you can choose any of them) and specialization from which the set of spells will depend. On the map, various temples can come across in which your hero will be able to find all sorts of objects like rings or armor, push them on themselves to enhance the characteristics.

Let’s start, perhaps, with the race of people aka "Humans". This is a rather balanced race, without any special flaws, as in a number of other games, which is as if by something mean by force and abilities between all other. For its production, people need gold and metal for units and a stone for building buildings. The fourth resource is available in the game – crystals, here without need. The set of buildings will also be familiar to many: the main palace (you can increase its level until the 5th), barracks, forge, stable, market, workshop, cathedral and library (allows you to create white, red and black magicians). From the exotic, it is possible to mark the eagle nest (it is found practically from all races, only the units are slightly different), allowing to produce eagles, pegasov (if anyone does not know – a horse with wings) and dragons. Thus, a well-balanced squad from spearkers, archers and riders, with support from the catapult and an air cover in the face of pegasas and dragons, as well as a certain amount of magicians as a drug, is quite easy to make enemy fortifications. Titan (ultimatic unit, worth a bunch of money, requires the 5th level palace) people have Sirian – a hefty knight with horns on a helmet and a gold sword. Able to pour small buildings from one blow and with two or three larger.

Second Race "Undead" characteristic of what makes not so many units. Moving chromonogi warriors extremely slowly, no cavalry is missing. But the undead is able to withstand many magical effects, but against good blade and strong steel will not stand. Metal and crystals require production. The main building is made in the form of a tower, the rest in the spirit of late necromransmission: cemeteries, tombstones, cells… Monsters appropriate – zombies, skeletons, lychee, trolls (these little understandable, how they have shown), vampires. Despite the fact that here you can also build a nest and subsequently produce volatile mice and harpi, the main martial forces will remain the infantry from the rags of rags and other uncleans will remain. Advantages can be achieved, only appreciated the enemy by the number and throwing numerous detachments into battle. Corpses (although the zombies and skeletons already and so long ago will be many, but otherwise break the enemy quite difficult. Titan – Lord Bane: Horse-Skeleton Horses Manager. Not very impressive outwardly, but mighty and miserable in battle.

Dwarves – a strong and powerful race, has an increased immunity to magic. Do not run too fast, similar to the previous debuts are deprived of cavalry, but possess excellent talents of builders. Protective strengthening of the gnomes are the most effective in the game, like their siege guns. For production requires gold, metal and stone. The buildings are similar to human, only made in the form of powerful combat fortifications: the main building is represented by Citadel, there is still a weapon, foundry shop, college, eagle nest. To raise the combat spirit, the brewery should be built. Units also have a lot in common with human: from land – infantrymen, archers, catapults;from air – eagles, griffons and dragons. As this race, as you have already noticed, so much in common with people, then the tactic should be adhere to similar. Although there are options for maneuvers, allowing to use a variety of tactics options. Titan – King Khalid: The throne with His Majesty lies on the shoulders of four porters, has a good long-range magic, which, however, is peculiar to most titans.

Barbarians – in terms of its qualities even closer to people than gnomes. The main building is a fortress, plus a spy tower, a cattle chamber, a training camp, a leader hut, an eagle nest (like people, allows you to make eagles, pegasas and dragons). Units are very few species, but quickly produced. Possess good high-speed qualities, but at the same time weak armor. From here Moral – the more barbarians in the detachment and the more such detachments you will create – the better. For production requires metal and stone. Your titanium – Tempest: Horseman with a spear on a snow-white pegasque.

Minotaurs – This race has the smallest type of units, but they are one of the most powerful in the game, possess the heroic health and cause tremendous damage to enemy buildings. The main structure is Ziggurit (stepped pyramid tower), the rest of the buildings are also made of stone, massive and difficult to perceive ear. In addition to Minotaurov, you can make Shaman, King Minotaurov, Catapult, Taran. All of the above warriors are able to eat grazing in the districts of animals to heal their wounds, take poisoning. Air units are represented by a giant volatile mouse, griffon and dragon. Titan of this race – Skull Sartek: Two slaves carry a hefty bowl in the shape of a skull on wheels with a red liquid inside. For production requires metal and stone. In general, if you stop your choice on this race, then be prepared to lead the fighting a very limited number of soldiers. Superxillar, of course, will partly compensate for other disadvantages, but still not all.

ORCS – in its physical indicators, are practically copies of people, except that a little stronger and smallness is less intelligent. Have a large variety of units (orcs, cannibals, giants, shamans, goblins) who are rapidly produced, relatively strong and many of which are capable of damage and poison. But the protection of them frankly suffered, especially defenseless orcs before attacks from the air. The main building of ORCSHOLD, the rest are represented by the barn, the hut of the shaman, animal jam, the tower of goblin, a combat yard. Air units, by the way, are available, the nest allows you to produce volatile mice, harpy and dragons. For construction, a stone and some metal is necessary. Tactic you can come up with a lot, the benefit of the choice and the number of units allows, for example, try attacking the enemy camp from two different sides, thus spraying his strength and making more vulnerable. Titan – Gornak Elfeater: Huge Orc, Riding on a Color Lizard "Metallic".

High Elves – Proud and Noble Race. It has fast units (of which the best spies come out), good martial qualities, and, unfortunately, a small amount of health. At the same time, the cavalry presented is perhaps one of the best in the game. In addition to the riders’ knights there are more guards, archers, unicorn. Phoenixes, Pegasy and Dragons reign in the air. The main building is a white tower, add to this tomb, Hielyra’s house, a tire, a golden tree, a lunar tower, merchant and will be a complete set. It is best to arrange rapid raids and wish to quickly dampen your legs in case of serious clashes, because in battle with an equal number of opponents, the highest elves will lose. Therefore, make focus on speed, suddenness and maneuverability. For production we need metal and crystals. Titan – King Lunarion: Rider Riding on the Fiery Dragon, Magic is not trained, but it is capable of painting to attack both land and air targets.

Wood Elves – have a lot in common with the previous race (all the types of elves in the game three), the fighters are very fast and at the same time pretty harvesters by definition (Druids, Driad, Fairy, Elves), which is weak in the near battle. Large lovers of nature, from here they have the best archers in the game. It should be stopped on this: from a decent distance first to shoot the enemy, and only then go to hand-to-hand. Buildings: Basic Asylum in the form of a tower, white tree, tree of life, Domrick Rangers, Forest Tower, Shelter, Magic Well. The nest allows you to produce phoenixes, griffons and dragons. For construction it is necessary to capture mining mines and crystals. Titan in the forest elves – IronBark – looks like a large plated Lesgo, with magic he, by the way, is not friends.

Dark Elves – Dark Elves, the latest representatives of elves in this game, the true embodiment of evil and other dark forces. Similar to its above-described fellow health, excellent high-speed qualities, but in addition they have at their disposal powerful magicians. For construction: dark tower, tombs, wood pain, gravestone, correctional establishment, Kargoth’s gate – The stone and crystals will be required. Units Ground: Skeletons, Spiders, Dark Archers, Riders, Mages, Killers, Trolls, Demons. Air: Phoenix, Garpia and Dragonlich (Flying Dragon Skeleton). Titan – Kargoth: Blue human-like torso crowds carcass and spider feet, still quickly runs.

Fey – Fairy, miniature magical creatures, rather weak (without exaggeration – the weakest race in physical understanding in the game), but if necessary, it can be aggressive and deadly. As a result, it does not remain anything else, how to count on speed and, if you fail to carry legs in time, the ownership of magic. Units are represented by various fairy, sorcerers, ghosts, small dragons, unicorn. In the air – Hawk, Pegasus and Dragon. Buildings: Main Castle Dreamhold, Rainbow, Magic Swimming Pool, Ring Fay, Magic Sphere. Only crystals are needed for production. Titan Forest Master: Bearded Centaur with onion in Hands.

In contrast to Fayam, the next race – Daemons – are very strong, units may create new monsters themselves. In addition, the demons have the biggest broken of flying creatures. Buildings here (doomspire, portal, pit, sammoning tower, gallows, tower of light, chaos tomb…) very slowly built, but then quickly capable of producing. There is a nest – you can create a flying mouse, Garpia and Dragon. For the production of demons, all four types of resources are required, which leads to additional difficulties. Thus, the most difficult task becomes standing at the initial stages, when all the time goes to construction and upgrade. If you manage to survive, then to cope with opponents with the army of demons by shoulders will not be so difficult. Titan – Balora: Blue Flying Lady with Huge Wings, Golfs in the Red Strip and Luminous Sword.

Dark Dwarves – Dark Dwarfs We will be the last race (and you thought them still? It’s time for good people and measure to know), representing the power of chaos. Buildings: Castle, called "oven", Guild of engineers, Hall Golemov, Shopping post, Siege workshop, House of ancestors, Stupa. With ordinary dwarves, there are little common, too cowardly and from battles prefer to hold on to the side, sending giant golems and all siege techniques on them. They have the largest park of such guns: Ballist, Taran, Fire Gun, Catapult and T.D. Even in ground units, the spirit, shadow and two types of golems: Bronze and Stone. Titan of this race is also from the golems – Grond, in size comparable to IronBark and Sirian. It is possible to oppose the attack of the golems or the proud march of siege tools, only a well-prepared and numerous army, so in most cases rivals are a light snack.

Thus, depending on its own sympathies and preferences, you can choose one or another race, which most of the other games will not be offered. Let’s say if you wish to fight small detachments from steep fighters, then take Dark Dwarves or Minotaurs – Will wrong. Want a balance – try to brake for people. Want to have at your disposal a lot of weak, but frightened creatures – Fey or Elves are suitable. In general, it is precisely for such rich opportunities, the use of various tactics, active use of magic and a lot of other advantages players worldwide loved WB2 and require developers "continued banquet". So if you are a fan of classic isometric strategies with knights and magic, love truly brightly and beautifully drawn units, then you should pay your close attention to this game.

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