Wasteland 3: passing

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October 6, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Wasteland 3: passing
Wasteland 3: passing
At the beginning of the game you will be offered to choose two main characters. You can choose from the list of available characters or create two completely new! Carefully study every section. I note on myself that in the future there will be 6 Rangers at your disposal. Therefore, such skills as an autopsy of castles, survival, first aid, nervous, work with mechanics and so on should be distributed between the whole detachment. Do not swing two Rangers “Izeknayka”. It will be a blank spectacle of skills and time. Similar situation with weapons. No need to make a character who will use both automatic and heavy weapons. It’s pointless. But the “power” and “wonderful science” – mandatory skills for those characters you would like to wear in the best armor.

Welcome to Colorado!

To begin with, browse the video and read the interface. All heroes have action points that are spent on shooting, movement and so on. Remember that the shooting from the hip will always be more accurate. Therefore, if possible, quit. A blue zone that surrounds the chosen character – the distance you can move and still have time to shoot. If you go to the orange zone, then you simply do not have enough one on the shot. Kill enemies, after which you shoot from the machine to the car by iron robot. Listen to major faith.

Naturalate the corpses, gathering mining, and then move forward until you see how Dorsey took the hostage. Touching with him, use one of the skills to scare up Dorsey and save the hostage. If you decide to attack, you will kill Dorsey, but first will have time to finish off the hostage. Talk to Jodie Bell, take her first help and get a pack of cigarettes. This pack will allow you to continue to nail to the group of cat Tom Kotkins. In the container nearby lies audio cassette. There are many such cassettes in the game, and they all belong to collectible subjects. If possible, listen to each to expand ENT.

Observe with new opponents, shoot a barrels to inflict damage at once to several enemies. After searching for dead bodies, you will get a key that allows you to unlock the container with grenades nearby. Use the computer to get rid of the turret. In case of successful hacking, the turret attacks the enemy. Pick up a good moment, follow down until the robot sees you. Bring the generator and get to Jaretta Dorsey. By killing all the opponents, talk to Major faith. How you decide to do with it does not matter.

New Nadezhda Rangerov

A little further will be a cat Tom Kotkins. Talk to him and show a pack of cigarettes that Jodi Bell gave. He will come up to your group. Such secondary allies are managed by. You can’t pump them and so on. Leave the location to move to Colorado Springs. Quest will immediately end.Wasteland 3: passingPatriarch.

House away from home

Talk to the Patriarch and decide whether it is worth taking his proposal to murder the hostage Dorsey. Do not tell him for the shaking hands, otherwise you will get a minus to reputation. Examine the headquarters of Rangers, enter inside and talk to Sergey Greytsky and Sheriff Quon. After the conversation, the Quong will be your first companion.

Ranger squad consists of 6 cells. In one of them there should be one of the main characters you choose at the beginning of the game. Still in two – satellites, such as sheriff Khon. And the remaining three (or two, if you use both the main characters) are allocated under the rangers, which can be hired by Sergey Gray.

As mentioned above, Sheriff Kwon – the first satellite accessible to you. You can remove it from the team, but he will not disappear forever, but will stay in the dining room. That is, during the game, you can play freely with the composition of the detachment.

Use the terminal to turn off the signaling inside the Rangers headquarters. Catch with Patriarch re-learn about three main tasks. But we will do them later.

Rats drove into the angle

Also, the Patriarch will tell you that some group of Dorsey took place in the gardens of the gods. This is the center of Colorado Springs. And sheriff Daisy need your help. Take into the Sheriff Quona squad, hide the missing raners. Now you can have a detachment of five people. Even if you refuse to help Kwong, he will still remain on the basis and it will be possible to take it in the group later.

Go to the center of Colorado Springs, talk with a woman who stands next to the pads. She will ask to save the Son. If you manage to convince the magistrate or pay him, then you will free austin. He will not join your squad, and will guard the headquarters of the Rangers, at the entrance. For the liberation of Pisa you will give 5 refugee reputation points.

Inside the building behind the pads – the office of the sheriffs of the patriarch. There you will meet Mucea Vyson, who asks for help in conversation with Sheriff Daisy. Talk to Daisy, be sure to silence the word for the Massation. In the end, you will learn what to do, and Lucia will join your detachment, becoming a new companion.

Move forward down the street. The path directly leads to Brodmur-Heights, but so far you will not be allowed there. Roll into the alley on the right and talk with the cloud. Their store captured Dorsei. You can break into it (left) and destroy or drive enemies. Now in this store you will have permanent discounts. A little further will be a fork. Ahead – Market Square, Right – Alley with the entrance to the museum. There will be another enemy group. Be sure to destroy all Dorsey. There are several merchants on the market area. But to appear a weapon trader, you will have to deal with Mina near his shop. Do it. Ahead – the transition point to the Garden of Gods.

Follow there, kill the enemies surrounding Bellal Ward. For his salvation will give you a reputation of a hundred families. If you can frighten Dorsey, then you will be offered to arrest murderers, sharpening in your Cake or Sheriff’s office Daisy.

After saving Bellal, go forward. Can hack the generator on the right to find inside a special matrix. Then go through a snowy mound on the left. So you woe to enemies. Wolves will be here. By killing them, interact with the spotlight. Insert the matrix into it, and the searchlight will turn into a turret. She will simplify the destruction of all Dorsey. Having won them, a wellout body and find teenagers led by Isaac Reed. Decide his fate. Again, in the case of arrest, it will be possible to send Isaac and adolescents to the Karaster Rangers headquarters or Sheriffs of the Patriarch. Return to Daisy to complete the task. You will get a person for kartzer.

Full set

Quest will begin at the first acquaintance with the headquarters of the Rangers, Quand and Greytsky. You need to find workers for four different rooms headquarters – mechanics for the garage, doctors for a medical compartment, head of arsenal and caretaker. We will receive a caretaker in the Cake at the end of the quest “Rats drove into the corner”. The doctor can be obtained in the center of Colorado Springs, in the Arapaho garage, if you help Parquer on the side task “Doctor’s doctors”.

And the completion of the side quest “Big Trouble in Little Vegas” will allow you to get the head of the arsenal. Finally, regardless of how you finish the mission “Uninvited and uninvited,” you will give mechanics for the garage. So this quest will be completed, and the presence of mechanics will allow you to buy a chassis for codiak, which will protect the car from radiation.

Other people for Rangers headquarters:

one. Perform the Randy Getta Quest from Dikovinearium, and it will help you on the garage.

2. Complete the quest chef from Dikovinearium, and he will join your dining room.

3. Complete the quest “Oh, these neighbors” and invite the IRVU to conduct experiments on the basis. He will be in the medical compartment, and will create a clone that can fight as an AI-assistant.

4. Near the Museum on the part of the market square will appear. Previously, she worked in the museum, and now you can invite it to the base to equip the Museum in the archive.

Uninvited and inspired

Talk to Gideon Raine from Brodmur-Heights. Go to location. Now you will miss you (if the team has Lucia Veszon). The house on the left belonged to the family of Vesonov, but you are interested in the building on the right. In this church there is Gideon Reyes. To open a room with chicken on the right, you can click on the button on the left.Wasteland 3: passingEntrance to Dikovinearium.
After entering the Colorado map, you will see Denver Markers, Aspen and Dikinarium. To start riding in the dikinaarium. Arriving in place, talk to the merchant. He will tell you how to get access inside the dikinarium. But now you do not need it. Go left, find the iron bridge and go through it. Destroy smugglers, aimed by their bodies and with the help of the key of the building on the right to meet Carmen and other refugees. She will ask for help.

Return to the entrance to the dikinarium. Now you need to get inside, and there are 3 options:

one. You can buy a pass at the entrance, paying $ 500. Or staring with barter.

2. You can perform the side task “Tuk-Tuk!”In order for you for you a girl, and in this case you can get inside for free.

3. And you can find a pass, but for this you should pass by the Iron Bridge, leading to smugglers, and clean up several buildings from Los Patzos. In the room with a lumber (dentistry) there will be a corpse in a chair. After the murder of enemies, a last time to get a pass.

One way or another, as soon as you find yourself inside the dikinarium, talk with Paredolia Jones. He stands next to the bar in the center of the hall. You can pay a $ 300 to him or check by some of the skills so that he agrees to accompany refugees in Colorado Springs. After returning to the city center and talk with Mama Cotter, who sits next to Arapaho garages. Here you will need to decide who to support: to arrest the mother of the cotter (you have to fight her sons) and stop the influx of refugees (plus to reputation of a hundred families, minus from the reputation of refugees), or leave the catter for freedom (opposite reputation changes), which is clearly notLike Gideona. But regardless of the choice, you still get mechanics for the garage – from a cotter or guideon.


As soon as you are ready, go to Denver. Talk to different characters, go inside and follow the banking storage to meet Wair and Mother. They are asked to find a special subject in the turbine intelligence tower, which will move Ragan’s mind to Waerore. So the task “Reagan Reed” will begin. Whatever the way you did not complete it when you figure it out with Valor, will remain report to the Patriarch.

Reagan revived

So, after receiving the quest, go to the right through the territory controlled by the Bozhelov. Killing all the enemies, go to Denver Airport. Here follow the only route. On the way you will meet different robots. There will be its interest in attitude towards each of them, and then raise into the tower of machine intelligence. AI will approve all your actions and will give a module without any problems. Now leave this place and return to the White House. Talk to Mother. Watch in advance. Apply a special skill to be able to deceive everyone. And you can complete the mission in three ways:

one. Connect the module and allow Raigan to accommodate in Waer. The latter will lose his personality and actually be considered dead. Patriarch it clearly will not appreciate.

2. Connect the module, and then remove it together with Reagan and give the machine intelligence. You have to kill all the hyppices, and the consequences of this are obvious – Colorado will lose the source of oil.

3. Send module with Reagan to Rangers headquarters. Velor will be saved, and Mother will not dare to attack you.


Go to Aspen and kill the first enemy group. Having done this, a wellout body to get the key from the guest house. But in the truck on the left there is another key that opens the door to the left. So you can bypass enemies and reprogram the turret. She will kill one of the opponents. Next to the turret there is a container with a key that opens a room with snow. This NPC will act as a merchant.

When you understand with everyone, go to the long room and use the terminal to omit the bridge. Go through the bridge, read the construction at the right. Find the right descent to the bunker. Or hack the terminal to raise the container with a crane and go to the bunker through another pass. There will be a computer when hacking which you will disable security. Robots in this case do not attack you. There is a lot of useful weapons inside the bunker. Then climb the stairs to the funicular. Kill enemies or cheat them, bumps poison. After that go upstairs.

Raise a little hell on the ears

Move through the complex in Aspen and kill the enemies until you can release Riley Woodson. Having done it, move through the corridor on the left side. On the left there is a room with ash. He will warn you that in the case of hacking the door all hostages will die. And it can really happen, so so far do not touch the door. Or hack her, but the hostages will die.

Let’s try to save all hostages. Go ahead and find yourself in two parallel corridors. First follow the left. The first door will lead you to a room with a gift in a wheelchair and non-aggressive breathers. Talk to a woman. Here you will meet Pizpi. This girl will join your squad and become a companion only after you figure it out with a witch.Wasteland 3: passingHotel in Aspen.
In the next room there will be enemies on the left. Kill everyone, a hotel is a good body and the key repaid the freezer to free the hostage. Go at the end of the corridor and roll into the hall with a swimming pool on the left. Killing all the enemies, open the sauna door to the right, depends on explosives. Return and go to the right corridor. In the first room there will be a wounded man. In the second – enemies. Kill everyone, and then pick the keys. Open two rooms. The right room is enough to simply release a man lying in a cage. In the left will have to go through the skill check to hack the terminal on the wall and save both girls.

When everyone is released, go back and enter the ash’s room. Take the key from him and decide it for fate. Go through the far door in the upper right corner, kill the enemies and follow the room of Vika Bucken. Decide how to do with it. You can even take the Vika in your squad! Return to Patriarch to complete the task.

Traitor / Sand in Petrol

By default, you do not know where to look for Liberty. But as soon as you finish with Witch and Vaeri, Angela will come to contact and wants to meet in the estate of Huins. Talk to a woman about everything. It doesn’t matter what you tell her right now. Then she will tell where to look for Liberty.

Go to the district of Yui. There will be strong radiation, so it is recommended to get protection against radiation 3 levels. This component, installed in the Kadyak storage, can be found in the Ministry of Energy in the Rocky Mountains near Aspen.

Arriving in place, talk to the mechanic. It is noteworthy that if there is a corner in your squad, the mechanic will refuse to help, and you will have to choose someone. In case of choosing Cordyt, the mechanic attacks you with your robots. Talking with a mechanic, you will learn how to split gangs. Perform two side tasks that will appear in the journal. We tell about them in detail in a separate guide. So you can get rid of gatherers of scars, Los Pjatsos and Garlasov. It will remain kill all Dorsey facing the entrance to the building with Liberty. If you do not perform side tasks, in addition to Dorsey will have to fight with other enemy groups. Inside the building, chat with Liberty and decide how to be with it. You can even convince her to return to your father.

Disassembly in the city center / promise – perform

I will not paint anything here, because the next quest depends on whose side you will fight – Patriarch or Angela Children. In a separate manual, I casually consider all the basic endings of the game. And in this case I recommend simply preserved to pass the game in different ways.

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