Wings of War: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 16, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Wings of War: Passage
Wings of War: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Each developer of the air simulator faces a dilemma: make the game as much as possible to the real world or affordable for an inexperienced player. There are two generally accepted ways to solve this problem: offer hundreds of realistic settings or search for a gold middle for each parameter. Creators "Wings of War" Let’s go through the third way – they divided the parameters of the game to the most vital and emphasized arcade.
The game connected intact: a detailed description of the aircraft of the beginning of the century and an ultra-modern radar, overheating machine guns and a huge number of missiles flying out the elements of the fuselage and the ability to restore protection on the fly. Health is displayed in the form of a standard red stripes for militants in the corner of the screen, but you can shoot part of the wings or wheels. If the mission takes to sit somewhere and after take over again – the loss of the wheel can be fatal.
Company logo "Wings of war" – aircraft jumping. The most dangerous trick pilot performs simply to change the plane right in flight. Fortunately, this process is shown in the form of a video, and you do not threaten to miss you. The developers honestly admit: wait from the game of excessive realism is not worth it, it is intended for fun. "Wings of War" Created not for the exhaust fans of the simulation of the real world, but for romantics of pure sky and plywood wings.
So I remember the LHX helicopter simulator of those times when the floppy disks were large, and the programs are small. The player was sometimes shot from a rocket plant, the size of which allowed to assume the intercontinental destination. Radar tracked the rocket, and if the helicopter did not have time to evade himself, he could pay a small hole in the front glass. Interestingly, in the same glass, the hole appeared, even if the helicopter fell back.
So, let’s go back to today. The graphics engine does not open new horizons, but allows you to fully enjoy the flight. The player will fly at night and at noon, at sunset and sunrise. Bright sun for a few seconds will be replaced by dense snow or shower with lightning. The form of the Earth from a high height is not so much handsome as realistic, and fleeing closer, we can not only consider in detail, but also destroy all the objects.
The underlined fantasticity of the game world does not mean simplicity. To bring down the enemy ACA of one queue will not succeed, sometimes you will have to run away from the superior enemy forces, to lure some of the rivals from the main battle and from the last forces to seek salvation. They are not entirely stupid: they deftly go away from persecution and act on the whole. Often a panic escape is a cunning trap. For the whole game there is no single calm point when airspace free from the enemy.

View in the sky
"Wings of War" Invites us a campaign from 12 historical missions (tasks), several types of ordinary battles "Instant Action" and the ability to the network game. In the campaign you can only play for the British, in other options of the game – for both warring parties.
Each mission consists of a dozen mandatory and several additional episodes. The creators of the game have invested all their fantasy in the invent of various tasks for the unfortunate player. With the pilot, all that, in principle, can happen to him in the sky of the beginning of the 20th century, and even a little more. Dueles with Asami, interception of scouts, destruction of tanks, security of bombers, chase trains, photographing the terrain, delivery of messages, hunting for airships is the usual thing for our hero. He is not limited to heaven: I am happy to ride also on the train, armored car, truck, boat and on something unidentified. It is possible to fly and on trophy German aircraft.
When you just start playing, it seems that the campaign consists of a chaotic sequence of no bound tasks. Only after several missions there is a feeling of the logicality of what is happening, some common scenario. Restless throwing on the map, in the end, lead to one goal.
Additional episodes can be divided into useful and interesting. For useful you can get such necessary things like rockets or armor. However, they can also be obtained, just picking up a hidden polyhedron or destroying some factory. The purpose of interesting episodes is at least some kind of diversity on the pilot weekdays ("fly there – I do not know where, I will fight something – I do not know what").

It is important: prize objects are often carefully marked with colored flags: red – health restoration, blue – aircraft protection, green – engine improvement, purple – stock rockets, yellow – bombs, orange – optional machine gun, white – temporary invulnerability.

Some episodes include a timer that requires immediate execution of the task. If you know about it, it makes sense to clear the airspace in advance – before "turn on counter". Time limit is not always displayed by a timer: often it is necessary to get rid of the train before it comes to the destination marked on the map.
Opportunity to preserve at any time in "Wings of War", Unfortunately, not provided. The game is written to the disk after the end of the mission or after you complete one of the key episodes. When you see the inscription "The game has been successfully saved", You can easily leave.

It is important: The game is preserved in the destruction of key goals marked on a detection radar. If you are pleased to die after that – rejoice. You will be resurrected in the place where the last time was preserved, and even with a complete margin of health. But God forbid you will continue to a bad moment – the passage of the next episode (especially the protection of some bombarder) may be absolutely impracticable.

In addition to the moments of preservation, the game has a return point, with which the mission can be started again. They act while you are in the game, but when you exit – forgotten. It is even useful – sometimes it makes sense to return not to the previous episode, but a little earlier to repeat the fragment already passed.

Behind the steering wheel
Airplane control is available and newcomer (although simplicity is more compensated by the number of opponents). However, if we wanted difficult control, we would fly on something more timely, with hundreds of switches and semolute indicators. On the screen – only the necessary information, and that can be disabled for greater truthfulness.
Take off and landing do not require special skills. All controls in the best tradition of textbooks for the first class are described during the initial briefing. Keys "down" And "gas" – All you need for take-off.

This is interesting: It is said that some models of the French torpedoes were kept upside down. In order not to get confused, they were labeled accordingly: the top was written "bottom", And below – "top". Very reminds local aircraft.

Piloting is implemented on the principle "The more convenient, the better". The possibilities of your combat vehicle are significantly superior to the characteristics of the present aircraft of the beginning of the century, but are not far from endless. Performing the most complex aging does not require special skills. The aircraft seeks to align so that the pilot never confuses the sky and the earth. There are even a number of keys to automatically execute the highest pilot figures. Pressed the button – get "Dead loop". However, despite such comfortable conditions, there are complaints that there is no possibility of flight back: after all it would be very convenient!
The degree of damage to the aircraft is displayed "Health". In addition, the plane can be surrounded by protection (blue line). To get to you, the enemy will first have to break through it.
Weapons are only three species:
• A machine gun with an infinite margin of cartridges – the main means of protection and attack. Machine guns are stationary (managed with aircraft, only keyboard) and free (managed by the mouse, while the plane flies along the trajectory).
• Bombs are, oddly enough, exploding structures to drop on the roofs of ground objects.
• Rockets – the most powerful weapon against all types of goals. I do not want to know where the rockets came from in 1916, I would only note that the entry into the enemy wing is often more efficient than in the fuselage.

This is interesting: At the beginning of the war, the planes did not have arms at all. In particular, it was recommended, noticing the opponent’s aircraft, fly to him towards him and, flying over him, reset the weight of him. It was also offered "skillful maneuver near the flying aircraft to form air whirlwinds threatening him". In addition, taranis were actively used. Bombs pilot dropped by hand from the cabin, and only pistols and carbines were present from firearms. The machine gun on the fighter first appeared only in 1915.

The view from Bubblava allows you to drop bombs and…take pictures. This species has a special sight showing, apparently, a place where bombs will not fall in any way. Personally, I was much more convenient to drop them, sitting in the main cabin.
On large aircraft, several firepoints are installed at once. The main character has to run between them to take the most favorable position. The effect of questionable.
To destroy enemies there are several main techniques. Classic air attack method – exit to the tail and methodical shelling from the machine gun. For this, it is useful to enable Autothrottle parameter (automatic speed control). The half-hour persecution of a particularly vertical enemy can successfully replace meditation.
If the enemy speaker went to the tail, will help the email reversal (the end key). A few seconds – and now you are faced to face. One rocket – and with the enemy (or with you) is finished. By the way, the real reversal of Immelman looks completely different: in fact, the plane must rise vertically, turn in this position around its axis 180 degrees and return to the horizontal flight. In the case when the opponent simply breathes to you in the back (that is, the tail) will help the dead loop (key "Page Up"). One click – and you are changing places. And immediately after the execution of the figure it becomes clear why the dead loop got its name.
In addition, with a forced engine, it is convenient to shoot an enemy from afar, aiming in binoculars (key "O"). Getting pretty hard, but you are safe. Apply such tactics, if you do not want to approach the dozen enemy aircraft, frisking over a predetermined area. Prerequisite for use – strong nerves: we are flocked – then fly away, then flomparable – then fly away.
It makes no sense to describe all the peripetics of the campaign in detail, since the center is simply filled with pilot valuable instructions. Sometimes you expect: "Here turn left, and look right". What need to do, understandable in detail – that’s just how? The goal of the episode is highlighted by blinking both points on the radar and the framework around the enemy on the screen (apparently, somewhere under the steering wheel, the on-board computer was attached). Everything is simple: flashing enemies need to be destroyed, friends – protect. In the descriptions of the missions, I will focus on some non-obvious details, allowing to simplify the solution of complex tasks.

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