Wolfenstein: Youngblood: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The game begins with the creation of a character. Everything that is affected by the process of choosing between Jess and Sophie is the face of which sister you will see on the screen. To pass the shooter in the cooperative is completely optional. You can play with a friend, random gamer or ai. The latter will manage the second sister.
Remember several main commands:
– the T keys allows you to activate the support signal. If sister is near, bonuses will get both characters.
– Q key allows you to put a label on any opponent you look at. In this case, your partner, if this is AI, will attack this purpose. If you play with another or random player, then this reception will still be useful. For example, if the enemies two and you want to quickly eliminate them.
– The E key allows you to raise a stunned partner. If the time is released (the scale is filled at the top of the screen), then the overall life will be spent. The number of common lives can be seen from the right edge of the screen.
Collectible items:
– Audio Cassette: 1.
Go a little forward and on the left side, detect a reference computer. You will find such computers wherever it appears or even the need for applying some new game mechanics. In this case, the computer contains information about what it needs. Kill in any way of the enemy and pull for both levers. If you play with a computer, pull for any lever, and the AI will do the same with the second.Your first enemy.
Clean this part of the airship. You can act secretly, but as soon as one enemy notice you and survive for 1.5 seconds, the surrounding sisters will learn about the presence of sisters. Arrive reinforcement. Try to search all rooms by collecting silver coins. The latter will be needed to buy improvements, new cold weapons, support signals and customization items (weapons and energy skins).
Go on the marker to the codeb bar and read it. Next, move to the specified location to pick up Disco. Then visit another place where interact with the terminal. If you have any diskette, then decipher it at the terminal. You will receive codes needed to unlock doors or boxes. Sometimes it is necessary on the plot of the game, much more often allows you to find collectible items or get into some distant corners of locations. By the way, the diskettes themselves are also collectibles. If you plan to collect all the collectors, we recommend that you unlock the skill of the “lover of secrets” as early as possible. Finally, on the floor you can find the first white box. 50 coins are always stored inside such boxes. In yellow containers, 100 coins are hidden, in red – 250 coins and collective sketch. In addition to this location, each next will be 3 red boxes.Desired floppy.
When decrypt a floppy disk, go to the code panel, enter the code and descend on the elevator. Clean the territory of the bar and floor. Be sure to choose the weapon dropped out of the enemies. Go around the marker to the yellow door and lift it. Go down and discover the box with a shared life. Open it to replenish stocks of common lives.
In the restaurant you will learn about commanders. So, if the alarm is raised while the commandant is alive, then the arriving reinforcement will be much stronger than in cases where you eliminate the commandant in advance. All commandants on the map are marked by “orange rhombuses”, ordinary enemies, supersoldy – “orange circles”, dogs – “gears”, drones – “Dronov figures”. Destroy the opponents in the restaurant and in the kitchen, after which follow the door at the end of the location.
In the elevator mine, jump right or left, then – in the opposite direction and so on. Use double jumps to climb big heights. Anyway, you will find a ventilation mine. Scarch through it in the nearby room. Pick up a computer with a throwing weapon and kill two enemies. To reject the cold weapons, if there is more superfluous in stock, press the mouse wheel, goes to the enemy. If you are too close to the enemy, then instead of throwing your heroine will hit it with cold weapons. Where opponents stood, there is a lift with a blue platform. Jump on it and from there even above.
Jump even above on the ledge on the right, go on a metal bridge and jump twice up, on a platform with a computer. It tells about the magazine of the Main Heroine. It can be opened by the j key. There provides information about tasks, weapons, skills, collectible items and all those learning. From here jump on the protrusion (at the top) and even above. This bridge will lead you to the desired part of the location, but on the way will have to kill the enemy.
Turn on the flashlight and jump down. Do not be afraid to fall from a high height, because for such no fines in the game is not provided. At the bottom you will find an open hatch through which you should jump into the corridor.
Clean the large hall with slot machines and casino playing tables. Your first supersoldt will be here. Try to eliminate the captain and other opponents so that the reinforcement is less because it will not be able to kill the supersoldt. However, you can get it past him at the very end of the hall and do not take part in the battle. In one of the rooms on the side, where the levers are located, you can find the first Cassette.
In the end, you will reach the cargo hold, where the battle against General Winkerer, using the energy. After a brief monologue, it will shoot a powerful laser. Like sisters, Winkler often enjoys a disguise. He still remains visible if you look into the environment. Once you get on the boss, then temporarily turn off his disguise, which will simplify aiming in the opponent. We continue to pass Wolfenstein: YoungBlood on StopGame website.Ru.
In addition to the standard attacks, the boss can shoot in the sisters with lasers with a huge slaughter force. If he is the lasers, it is exactly in you, then hide behind the walls or other objects. If he attacks the second sister, then take advantage of this and freely shoot on Winkler. During the battle from the room, reinforcements in the video of ordinary unolde. The enemies are weak, so they are not easy to kill them.General Winquill.
If you need first aid kits, ammunition or armor, then jump into the upper balconies where you find a lot of useful items. Do not forget to help your sister if it is immobilized: Rail and clamp the e key. The final stage of the battle will be held on the wing of airship. Attack the winner until you exhaust his health. The boss will lose an equilibrium, falls down and stay at the wing of the airship. Shoot on it to flew straight into the engine.
Collectible items:
– Sketches: 3.
– Texts: 8.
– floppy disks: 3.
– Cassettes: 2.
– 3D glasses: 8.
– video tapes: 2.
This mission is connected with the attempts of the sisters to get to the Catacomb of Paris, where they are waiting for local resistance led by the brasse. Mission as a whole linear. We will indicate what and where to do to go further, but you destroy the enemies at your discretion. Especially their variation and the amount will be different every time. On the other hand, at this point you will definitely do not have time to unlock the skill of the “lover of secrets”. And in general, if you want to save it, in our passage it will be described the location of all collectible items.
In the reservoir on the left, on the bottom there is a yellow container (100 coins). In the future, we will not indicate the location of white containers – only yellow. White are mostly located on open locations and it is easy to detect, and the coins there are less.
Go under the arch right and find yourself on the road. Climb immediately upstairs on the stairs and in addition to two boxes and computer, find 3D glasses. Move forward on the road, killing enemies, and roll to the left. Clean this territory. Left there is a lane between residential buildings. It can be found in it, which makes the ability of the “crushing” by the skill (from the runway if available). Yellow container hidden behind it. Go to the door with the marker and roll to the left. At the end of the way there is a small checkpoint, and on the table lies text. Come to the door, interact with the network codebar. Her main difference from the usual – you do not need to look for floppy disks and decipher them. Instead, you need to find nearby device generating code. If you play with a computer, then the AI will independently find the device, and you will see the numbers on the panel you want to enter. That is, in this case you need to simply activate the panel and wait.Network code panel.
Go to a small building and on the left on the rack find text. There is a closed door that opens with an electro-frame (after the task “Bruder-3”). For her – yellow container. Go out through any door and go to the road.
Roll down and on the ground under the building, find it off 3D glasses. Take a look at the building opposite and through the open windows, argue inside. In this room there is a red cassette, text And diskette. Get out and go along the main road to the big gate. The marker indicates the alley on the right. You roll to the left and pay attention to the turn right. There will be a lattice that makes itself a crushing. Behind it – a red box with Sketch. The diskette previously found contains codes to three such drawers. Hack it down, then return here and open the red container. Even further will be a spacious courtyard, where in the old TV lies Video Cassette. Return back and on the left of the big gate, not far from the marker, detect gearbox with terminal. Decipher a floppy disk and can open a red container. Finally, to the left of the yellow gate there is a shirma, behind which hidden 3D glasses and yellow box.
Raise the yellow gate and go ahead. In front of the door with the lock there is a computer, and in one of the mailboxes on the right – text. Go outside and on the right will see the Nazis checkpoint. Look in front of him to the left and through the open window to penetrate the building. Immediately open the yellow box. Climb on the top floor, kill the enemy and find the red box in the room with Sketch And Cassette. From here through the open window, jump onto the gate with the turret and the Nazi. There will be a terminal and diskette.
Go down for these gates. At the big crossroads, for the car on the left, find the yellow mailbox from which sticks out text. Go on the right road and break the showcase with the music machine on the left. There are lying 3D glasses. Go to the end of the alley and truck on the left climb the roof of the low building. There is a red box with Sketch And 3D glasses.Spice this showcase.
Go on and find yourself at the fountain. On the side of it, on the bench lies text. Go in the opposite direction, go down to one staircase, where 3 Nazis came from, and on the right Disco. Go down even lower and roll to the left. To the right of the barricades there is a table with 3D glasses. On the left there is a red visor that allows you to climb the top of the building (located at the intersection). From the roof you will see an open window, followed by in a small room Video Cassette.Window on the roof.
Return to the fountain and on the right will see the burning Nazis Building. Climbing inside, open the yellow box. Raise the following yellow gates, kill the Nazis and on different tables of the summer cafe to find out 3D glasses And text. There is also a bus here. Roll into it on the roof, find the closed hatch, jump and click on Ctrl to knock out the land strike. Inside the bus eating a yellow box and 3D glasses. Go down in the subway and pick up from the toaster to the right text. Use the card to go to the catacombs. We have collected all collectors.
Collectible items:
– Texts: 12.
– Cassettes: 3.
– 3D glasses: 13.
– video tapes: 4.
There are a lot of collectible items in the catacombs, so let’s collect them right now. To the left of the bar rack can be found text, Cassette And video tape. If you go in the opposite direction, then on the right of the refrigerator, in the box under the table you can find 3D glasses. Get out of here to the intersection and pick up 3D glasses in candles.
Move to the right, towards the diet and weapons, and not far from Anais Fontaine find a table with chess and Text. Look in the tunnel on where the “yellow automatic” indicates. There are dark boxes and stick out of them 3D glasses And text. Another pass, to the left, leads to Lucia Petit sitting on Earth. In the passage on the boxes on the right lies Video Cassette.Pass with two collectors.
Go to the Central Oblast to Abby. Take a computer from her table and Cassette. In the passage opposite it has a remote control Two texts (Third-Text – On the console opposite this), a little further, the terminal with a drive. On the shelf behind him lies Video Cassette. Go to the passage with a long corridor, where there is also Maria Laurent. On the barrels on the left lies text, and in the alley on the left hand, a little further – 3D glasses.
Stand facing the terminal with a drive and go to the right to the wall. There is a computer, and on a high cabinet left to lie 3D glasses. Find a medpleunkt with a bit on the floor, take away from different tables Two textand pull out the opening box from the bubble side, 3D glasses.
Go down to the first tier across the hole next to Abby and on the boat, find 3D glasses. Go left from the boat (places where there were glasses), find the wall on the table text, And to the right of the passage leading up – 3D glasses In the box. Go to the passage and turn into residential rooms on the right. On the far bed on the right lie 3D glasses, on the table in the center – cassette. On the other side, on the second tier there is a TV, and to the right of it – Video Cassette. In the far room, find another one text. Finally, in the main room below there is Dimita, outstanding tasks. To the left of it lies another text. So far, these are all collectors that can be collected! 4 more couples remain 3D glasses, But they will appear on the development of the plot.