X3: ReUNion: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 24, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

X3: ReUNion: Passage
X3: ReUNion: Game Walkthrough and Guide
To effectively piloting a ship during a combat clash, it is necessary to understand a number of enough simple rules of behavior in battle. These basins are given in the Military Space Academy, but not everyone, to deep regret, is financial, and physical opportunities to visit this wonderful institution. Space come in different ways.

Combat clashes

So, the rule is the first. It concerns it in combat contact. So it turns out that most of the air bobs in the game begins with the rapprochement of opponents of the forehead in the forehead. I am not talking about pursuing from a distance of eighteen, suppose, kilometers, and about direct two kilometers when the goal is within the defeat. As a rule, a pursued goal, and the pursuer and is suppressed, they understand that the time for the attack came, and unfold their apparatus to your car.

If in its wanders by the sectors of the IS-Universe, you use the class m3 fighter with the properly dispersed characteristics of the body, speed and maneuverability and a complete set of shields, the frontal attack you are not scary, even if the attacking group consists of more than two adequate to you in the class of ships. The point here is what: Most ships come across in the course of the game are not staffed according to optimal requirements.

For example, the Sentinel split “Mamba” mounted on the collision instead of the three shields with a capacity of twenty-five megalules will be covered with one twenty-five-MJ shield, one 5 mJ and one low-power 1 MJ, dialing in the amount of thirty-one meghal against seventy-five laid. In addition to the installed weapon, as a rule, has an average, in contrast to your maximum, total shots power. As you know, the Split “Mamba” can be equipped with eight front weapons and one gun on the rear turret. Optimal weapons for this class of ships are considered Alpha Hept Sannon. However, instead of scanning all eight cells for installing arms filled, we will surely see that Mamba is equipped with either two feathers or a combination of aert and astras. In any case, the total power of the main shock complex of the enemy ship will be significantly lower than the similar parameter of the player’s ship. It follows from this that the player ship is dispersed according to the main parameters may easily withstand the volley fire of attackers of opponents of their own class.

However, it is necessary to correctly assess your strength and not like to be like a child who sawing the militants and deciding that he is now the coolest in the sandbox. It is worth remembering that although x3 and is sufficiently tolerant to the player, but it can always be removed from the secret pocket in advance prepared cooks. For example: an attack on the pericale on a group of pirates in the composition of “Novy”, “Falcon” and the “Harrian” couple is equivalent to suicide with aggravating guilt circumstances. But if a player comes out of such a foul language and unharmed, it means that he definitely.

Tactics of Boy

The next advice is simple: a good leader – a dead leader. The sooner the leader’s ship leads the group for you, the easier, the easier it will cope with the disassembled residues. Select the leader among the mass of ships is easy. First, it is always the largest ship in the group, for example, barracuda, accompanied by five “octopus”. Secondly, the leader is easily determined through the SET. All groups of ships moving in the game space are assigned to a specific leader. The latter moves straight to the goal given to him. Accompaniment ships, if they are not related to any formation, hardly attenuate intricate figures around the leader. Through SETA, the behavior of the group resembles the swarming of the midges around the fired apple. Neesthetics. So I want to lie with anything hivisy.

In addition to the opponent’s disorientation, the leader’s arbitrariness outside the world of living significantly reduces fire pressure on the player. The leader carries the most powerful weapon, so its neutralization is not just a matter of honor. This is a question of survival.

Evasion from rocket

Next thing that requires attention – rocket. More precisely, rocket attacks on a long-suffering player’s ship. The voice of the onboard alert system warns about the rocket approximation, then the rocket cog is turned on, and after a couple of seconds, the rocket joyfully sticks into your tail or that non-empty better, explodes five meters from the ship, hitting finally a turret, demolishing the already covered shield. How to avoid similar excesses? Yes easily. It is enough to remember that the high-speed object cannot be filled in maneuverability with an object flying slowly. In the role of Jyrka, the turtles are our ship. Rocket speed compared to him colossal. The behavior of missiles in x3 is approximate to our reality. Maching once, the rocket is unlikely to be able to go on purpose again. Therefore, the task of evasion is reduced to a single shaving of a rocket with a tail.

First you need to turn off in the tuning settings. Compared to x2, the speed of missiles has increased, and the reaction of turrets fell. Moreover, the rocket has a radius of defeat. Therefore, a rocket shot down in five meters from the ship is still damaged. If the rocket passed at a distance of five meters, then the actions of the turret are almost useless. So, we switch the turret to protect the ship. So much better. Now the number of lovers sitting on the tail will be significantly dubed, and therefore, the number of those who make exact missile launches will become.

So what to do if the rocket firing starts to punch? It is necessary to behave in the same way as quieties behave, attacked by fox. She jumps sharply to the side. When the scene starts to sing almost continuously, we use braking and make an elementary anti-missile maneuver, referred to as a barrel, that is, we use stretch and rotation of the ship around the longitudinal axis.

Reset the speed in this case the key point. Raising speed reduces maneuverability of your ship, which leads to a rocket. Droping target is incomprehensible for rocket. It misses the randnev at all at another point of space.

Another way is sharp, one mouse movement, 180 degrees turn. In terms of inertia, this will also be acceptable to cosmos by braking using a marching motor, more efficient than braking by resetting speed.

Proper maneuvering

Combat speed should also get out of mind. Many pilots mistakenly believe that if the ceiling of the speed of their fighter significantly exceeds the speed of the enemy, you need to fight at constant maximum speed. Invalid opinion. The bots, however, do, turning the giant high-speed circles around the player’s ship or attacking through the incessant taranium attacks from different sectors of the sky. So fight, of course, it is possible, but it will last almost forever. The high speed of the fighter is not given for gentle trajectories around the victim, but for verses, interception and combat maneuvering. The power of the armament of your ship may not be elementary to tend to carry the shield to the opponent during the first attack, and if so, then it is aimlessly spent energy and charges. Therefore, after the enemy’s shield is tied, it is very important not to give him to recover, that is, keep it under constant restraining fire. This means that it is necessary to equalize the speed of the fighter and its goal, go into the tail and continue to paint shields and the enemy housing under the Ukrainian. However, do not forget that the low-speed goal is an excellent target for opponents. However, it is possible to endure the loss of half of the shield for the death of another rascal.

This is interesting: the hardest to fight with Haakov. Their technique can almost instantly change the vector motion. Catch Haak on the scope of the task is nontrivial. .

Use all the possibilities of the ship – it means to use not only turns up and down and left-right, fixed behind the mouse. In addition to these four actions, the ship is free for all other degrees. It can spin around any axis, fly a lobby, back and forth. If you combine all types of movement, the ship data from good developers will be a new piloting idea, absolutely unknown before the appearance of aircraft with the variable direction of the thrust vector. Stretf control in the game is implemented on the keyboard, but I offer you an original scheme that allows you to finely use the ship’s capabilities. If you have a joystick at your disposal, adjust the stretch on it. If the joystick supports the third axis, adjust it to turn the ship around the longitudinal axis. So, now, taking into account the keyboard, mice and the second joystick, if any, in front of you adequate control system with a variable direction of the thrust vector. What does it give – ask you. Answer. This gives new ways to maneuvering, the ability to extinguish inertia, the ability to beat the enemy outside the zone of its turpeners, guaranteed to evade the rocket and much more.

Capture of enemy ships

Particular interest to the public causes the possibility of capturing enemy ships. Earlier, in the Games of the X game, the capture policy was reduced to a long-standing goal at the critical level of shields, that is, it was necessary to keep the goal about 15-20 seconds in a state when her shield is slightly warm. Now everything has changed. Now, if a player manages to knock down the shields and start cropping the body, the enemy leaves his trough in extremely short time. However, this method works far from always. The ability to capture directly depends on the hidden parameters of the personality of a computer enemy. Playing in the usual mode, these options are impossible to look. However, if you activate the script editor, as described earlier, the required parameters appear in the properties of any ship. If the aggressiveness of an artificial enemy is high, as intensely in it, neither fell, the sense of it will not be. The pilot will not throw out of his car. It’s better to just kill.

The capture process itself is complicated. If an Override System is installed on the player’s ship, “you just need to take care of the abandoned ship for a distance of more than twenty meters, select an abandoned vessel as a goal, enter the target parameters and select the Claim command. Everything. Ship are yours. Now, causing contact with the ship, you can make it perform the steps you need. The most popular team for freshly leaked ship – [Dock AT…] on the nearest shipyard. If Override is not installed, then after a rapid one will have to be thrown into open space and make all the above manipulation. When the captured ship will become friendly, you can return to the cut. Driving ships more advanced, sitting in a cozy pilot’s chair, rather than a grain in the open space, especially since the pilot yield outside of his ship attracts all pirates in the sector. And God forbid to jump out of the ship if the enemies are still at a distance of shots. Sleep and not emitted.

For the most part, the captured ships will not be of particular interest, since in the process of hostilities, their stuffing almost always burns out. Capturing an enemy fighter, we get a slow and bad piece of metal on the hands, in which there is no no, and there is some miracle to the surviving shield or upgrade. The lion’s share of captured ships is sent to the subsidy on the nearest shipyard.

But, maybe it is worth thinking about what: Instead of buying on the shipyard, the most expensive new ship to protect lonely transport or station, you can always use captured. Imagine what kind of xenon fleet n, guarding your ore mine from attacks of fellow.

Merchant Battle Strategy

But, let me exclaim the critic, everything that is written here concerns fighters, and only fighters. How to be a poor trading tank, whose maneuverability is comparable to maneuverability of hard loaded “Kamaz”? The most important thing is not to despair. If at our disposal there is no speed, maneuverability and serious armed, we will use what is. So, any merchant ship is equipped with a rear turret capable of hitting the goals in most of the rear hemisphere of the ship. Do not share, that faintness with which the protagonist crashed from Yaki in the storyline, sitting behind the turret, will not. Outside the plot everything will be completely different. The player will not put under the cross-trash of the opponents equipped with the weakest shields. The enemies of merchants tend to perform pirates – evil, bloodthirsty and long teeth. Single gun “Alpha RAS” can not be an adequate answer. Perhaps it is worth putting ion disruptor. Such a weapon will cool the fervor of attackers literally. In addition to removing the shields, it is great overloading the power system. In such a situation, the opponent can no longer fire in full force.

But this is half. In addition to installing the right cannon, you need to take care of missiles. All transports may carry the same set of missiles. And from all this set we are interested in only one kind of rockets – Silkworm. “Silkwall” – a terrible rocket. One or two hittings, and only flats remain from the class M5 fighter.

Rockets have enough annoying property. Their accuracy is too low that along with the high cost of silkworms plays not in their favor. You can increase the efficiency of rocket fire, sending rockets at low angle angles. That is, it is not worth attacking the goal with rockets if it is in another hemisphere or the trajectory of her movement perpendicular to the way of following your ship. In this case, the rocket is consumed by the supply of fuel before completing the shutdown maneuver.

Also in the game there is such a thing like drones. Dron is an unmanned autonomous aircraft capable of hitting the goals from the side weapons. One or two drones will not be able to resist the ships of opponents. Dozens will be able to make a daisy in an enemy attack, two dozen drones are easily distributed in the fluff and dust Khaakov cluster.

Fully protect yourself from the attack of pirates, you can only having a reliable and swayed fighter. It is also desirable to have a shipping device from the ship to the ship. Then you will have the opportunity to cross the fighter at a responsible moment, leaving transportation under the control of the autopilot, and to make a shooting of applicants to your valuable cargo.

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