Y2K (Error 2000): Game Walkthrough and Guide
So I have come 2000. All computers in the House Hero did not stand the transition to the new
year and stopped functioning normally. Our task to get out of the house,
have become “prison” for his owner.
So, let’s begin. Our hero wakes up with a big bodona on January 1, 2000
Burly evening. First of all, we need to dress. Come to the wardrobe,
which is located to the right of the window, and try to open it. Of course, computer,
responsible for opening the wardrobe sends us with our requests far and
For a long time. That is OK! At the bottom of the left at the mirror lies a very useful device (remote control).
Take it and apply to the wardrobe. Hooray! Wardrobe safely
Open. But as soon as the wardrobe opened, the alarm rang out of the room
Antiquities. And here we are already in it.
We need to start, deal with the protection system. For this we like to
located on the wall to the right of us the screen (this is a computer that manages
security system in the room). After that, we find the place on the screen where
flashes the inscriptions like RESET RETURN or MAIN TENANCE ROUTINES, and press it.
All, security system is normal.
Then we begin the study of the rooms. To begin with, let’s go to the room that
Located on the same side as the screen. There we will see the vacuum cleaner that time
from time starts to work. Let’s look at what is in the top
vacuum cleaner, where there is a bench with water. Right, this is the key. We take it.
After some time, the vacuum cleaner leaves. To the left of the entrance exploring the candelabr. And he
it turns out! Turn it. At the end of the room will open a secret
Door that hid a safe with some strongly trimmed optical system
locking. Leave it while alone and back to the room of antiquities.
All that is available to us is only the kernel near the gun.
Take it. Further moving into the room located next to the drawn on
Wall Tail Whale. Turn to the left (anyway anyway is nowhere j). And come to K
window. There is a note hanging. Take it. The window still has a table on which
There is a vase filled with half water. We take it. We go to the next
Room with a bunch of any paintings, shipboards and busts of US presidents.
There we find a book on the history of the Navy. Here it begins just the rapid thinking of our
Brain J. Realizing that the key we found (the date is indicated there, the price is still something
and the picture of the sinking ship) somehow should be associated with the book described in the book
events, we stop our view on the 4th point in the book. It says that
The ship called Resistance was the 5th largest 44-weapon frigate and
It was blown up in the Beech Strait on July 24, 1798. By comparing all this data, we get
code 51798 (cool, is not true? G). Now we come back to the room again
antiquities and go straight to the screen on the wall. At the bottom there are buttons with
Cyberks. We recruit the code already known to us and, about a miracle, an elevator located in the room
Antiquities earned!!!
Go there. We look around and see that behind our back on the elevator wall
Notes recorded with decoding. Speaking them. They will come to us.
Coming out of the elevator go to the first room on the left. The fireplace lies a kocherga. Take her.
Next, go to the heads of animals and cute cute with them. They are asked to restore
their memory and performance. To do this, we need to find the key from the box with
interface (box is under the heads of animals on the floor). Go to the big
The clocks that stand in the left corner of the room (they show the wrong time).
Move the arrows on them until 9 o’clock is set on the clock
smooth. A secret door will open in the clock, followed by the key we need.
We use it in the door lock, followed by the interface and open it.
Next, eliminate the malfunction on the motherboard (heads earned as it should).
Pay attention to the knight armor. Below them is safe. While open
We can’t.
When trying to get out of the room, anxiety is turned on – a robot-corannik appears and
Doors begin to open, close. To get out of the room, apply
Kochergu, which we took by the fireplace and block it the door.
Now we need to return to the first floor in the room with bust of the presidents. Jogging
In it, we find that the Bust of President Lincoln is reset (his robot dropped him-
cleaner). On the table where bust stood we will see a red card. Take it.
Carefully exploring the place of falling bust and find the eye of Lincoln J next to him.
Grab and it. Then come to the owner of the house – now it can
grab. And do it.
We return to the second floor and enter the second door. On the left of the wall stands the chest,
And on it a note about music. Take her.
In the same room there is a TV and a music center. Come to tv
and see DVD player. We can’t include it (no power supply). It is worth it here
Piano (a little later on it will need to play something). Next go to the door,
in the same room. On our way the robot rises, which
prevents us from. We take from the inventory a vase with water and water on it.
All, robot neutralized. We pass almost to the end of the room and we see on the table left
Many things. We collect them: Maslenka, hacksaw, and from the drawer with tools
(it must be pre-open) – a hammer and a screwdriver. Also on the left
Table We see the panel with diquses (it operates opening the top drawer.
We need code. We look at the note we found in the hallway at the room
Antiquities. We read: 2 jars of paints, empty shelf, 2 garden tools, 8
bags, 9 pots of plants. So, we get the code: 20289. We recruit it and climb into
Top drawer. There is a power wire from the DVD player. We take it.
We go to the greenhouse.
As soon as we enter the robot guard, which does not give
We come out. We look around and on the left of us will see a bamboo stick. Attack her
robot (you need to put 3 strikes on it). Robot guard breaks. At the bottom
On the left we will find a flexible antenna from a broken robot gardener. Rather it.
Next Let’s go to the room with a DVD player. Turn on it using the found
We are cord. When the player opens, we will see a disc with the boost program
Y2K. Take it.
We go back to the corridor and go down the stairs down. There we see another
a door. To open it you need, turn the lever on the wall. We have nothing
It turns out – all rusland. Then we use tools from the inventory and again
We are trying to turn the lever. Again the failure of L. Now we apply a hammer and … Hooray!
The door is open!!!
Left and right from us are metal lattices. Behind the left grid
Tomb. Let’s look at her – on the tomb we see music notes
Fragment called “Merzayi, Mercy Star”. Let’s look at the recorded us
In the elevator notes with decoding. And make up the order of losing the melody carved on
Tombstones: CCGGaAgffeeddc. Right behind bars. When we remove the chain,
To open the gate, “wakes up” the robot processor. He asks the hero to give him
at least some garbage. After it turns out that there is no garbage from the hero, he
Trying to recycle it. To get rid of an obsessive garrist, throw him
chain with gate. The garbagers immediately breaks and leaves us alone J. Until N
Let’s go on the right door, back to the room with the phono. Play on it received
Combination. After that, the servant box will open, which is located in the left wall
Rooms. Let’s go to the servant and take the batteries from it. Now with clean
Conscience Returning to the dungeon on the right door.
There we find the dyewoman sexy brand Kendy. It is locked in a cage, and nearby
Horrible Robot Ball. Well, we need to pull Candy from the cage (not
disappear there j). To start distracted the robot executioner. For this we put on
Fuche Wax Bust, which we picked up in the exhibition room. The robot will occupy
His cabbage J. After that, take the hacksaw and give her Candy. Candy, Stretching,
Loses his glasses. We need to get them. They fell under the grille on the floor on the left
from cell. We use a broken antenna from the robot gardener and get enough glasses.
Then we give their beauties Kendy. She begins to cut the lattice and safely
Select from it. Next follows a sachet scene with hugs and kisses
J. Kendy tells the Basher code to the safe located in the dining room with
animal heads. We go there and open a safe. In it we find a deactivator.
We take it. (batteries automatically get into it) deactivator can
Disable some robots in the house.
Now go down to the first floor and go to the room where the safe with optical
locking system. Choose Lincoln’s eye and open it safe. In him
Located a photo with a picture from the Hall of Antiquities on which Rome’s Emperor’s inscription.
On the back of the photo there is an inscription: “Secret switch”. Moving to this
painting, exploring it and open. Under it really turns out the switch.
Activate it and opens the door to the computer room. We rise there by
Screw staircase. After we rose there, the robot guard attacks us.
Basher falls out of his pocket deactivator. To pacify the robot using
core. Go to the main computer control panel. Raise the panel to the right of
Computer. To do this, use a red card on the control panel. After
Raise panels We will see a protective electrical screen. Left from computer
We find a piece of tok-resist plastic. He is screwed. We use a screwdriver.
Unscrew it and take. However, move on to us interferes with the second robot-
security guard. To turn it off, back to the place where we fell a deactivator and
We raise it. After that, we use it. Robot security guard neutralized.
Let’s go to the protective screen and apply a toxonmerable plastic. now we
We can go inside. At the end of the room on the left we find a CD drive. Insert into it
CD with a patch and … Actually, everyone. Then everything happens without our participation.
The main computer is trying to take possession of all computers in the house, but Candy presses
The button you want and follows Happy End!!!
Submitted By: Splean (Mailto: Splean @ Windoms.Sitek.No)