10 worst games for 2019 on Metacritic statistics

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July 27, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

10 worst games for 2019 on Metacritic statistics
Where games are the best, there and the worst! Metacritic’s review aggregator amounted to on the basis of medium assessments of the Western press. List of 10 lowest target games for 2019.

The selection rules were as follows:

• The game came out from January 1 to December 31, 2019.
• games at least seven reviews.
• Considered versions for all platforms.
• games ranked on rounded points.
• If the game came out on several platforms, a version with the smallest number of points was taken into account.

The worst ten:

one. Eternity: The Last Unicorn (PlayStation 4) – 36 points.
2. Left alive (PlayStation 4) – 37 points.
3. Blades of Time (Switch) – 38 points.
4. Contra: Rogue Corps (Switch) – 40 points.
five. Dollhouse (PlayStation 4) – 41 points.
6. WWE 2K20 (PlayStation 4) – 43 points.
7. FIFA 20: LEGACY EDITION (Switch) – 43 points.
8. Submersed (PlayStation 4) – 44 points.
I. Generation Zero (PlayStation 4) – 45 points.
10. Narcos: Rise of the Cartels (PC) – 46 points.

Recall that at the beginning of the month, Metacritic also published the top 50 of the most cool games for the outgoing decade. The top positions in it occupied SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Red Dead Redemption 2, Grand Theft Auto V And Super Mario Odyssey.

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