Albion Online is preparing for a major update “AVRELIY”

Home » Game News » Albion Online is preparing for a major update “AVRELIY”
July 28, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Albion Online is preparing for a major update “AVRELIY”
Sandbox Interactive Now Kuch Multiplatform MMORPG Albion Online. As accepted by decent developers, the studio prepares a whole series of major updates. The first of them is called “Avrelii” and will bring not only a pack of fresh content, but also a huge number of changes in requests for users.

Additives in the update primarily are designed for PVE modes. “AVRELIY” will open three additional types of dungeons with 23 variations. “Danzie” will be scattered around the world of Albion. In addition, you are waiting for 10 new spells and abilities for various weapons.

In accordance with the wishes of the players, the authors will make edits to the interface and management Albion Online, who will make it even more convenient. Gamers will be able to choose various chat channels and make the character move to certain areas with the right mouse button. A forced combat mode will appear, eliminating the random selection of the plume and resources during battles, ready to use spells will be better visible, and the portrait will easily determine whether the hero will be in battle.

In general, the game develops and becomes more interesting. So run to the official website Albion Online! Just started “beta” last week.Albion Online is preparing for a major update “AVRELIY”

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