Alien: Isolation Continues To Work On A Tactical Multiplayer Shooter

Home » Game News » Alien: Isolation Continues To Work On A Tactical Multiplayer Shooter
October 17, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

W Creative Assembly There is a team in Horshasha, United Kingdom. Earlier she released Alien: Isolation, And now he is engaged in some non-announced project. What an unknown game will be, curious to be judged by the list of vacancies.

So, crumbling information:

  • The game is created in the framework of the new franchise.
  • Genre – multiplayer tactical first-person shooter.
  • Perhaps the game has elements of “heroic action” (that is, games with pre-created characters on the manner Overwatch), science fiction entourage and even Immersive SIM.
  • Much attention is paid to the components of long-term support, including seasonal content updates and in-game store.
  • The game is called an AAA project with an “impressive world”, non-game characters and high-quality technical performance.
  • Engine – Unreal Engine 4.
  • Platforms – PC and Next Generation Console.

As written eyewitnesses, Creative Assembly gives birth to this shooter at least since 2017. It is assumed that the concept of the game has changed a lot: it used to be more like the session heroic militants (again, Overwatch), but now knows in the direction of something forgiven, like The Division or Destiny.

If you are still cherished hope to see the sequel Alien: Isolation, it is better not necessary.

A ‘Traditional’ Shooter With Gaas Elements (Like The Division 2, Destiny 2 etc), Rather Than A Hero / Class Based Multiplayer Title. IT HAS NOW BEEN 6 YEARS SINCE ALIEN ISOLATION REELASED AND WE HAVE YET TO SEE WHAT CA HAVE BEEN COOKING ALL This Time. (7/7)

– Mauronl (@ Mauronl3) August 18, 2020

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