Announcement Elite Dangerous: Odyssey – add-ons that will allow to explore the planets overlooking the eyes

Home » Game News » Announcement Elite Dangerous: Odyssey – add-ons that will allow to explore the planets overlooking the eyes
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Announcement Elite Dangerous: Odyssey – add-ons that will allow to explore the planets overlooking the eyes

Studio Frontier Developments not just continues to develop a space simulator Elite Dangerous, and increases the scale of additives. Today the team announced Odyssey – The most ambitious addition to the game.

IN Odyssey You will be able to leave the cosmic ship and explore the surface of the planets on your two. The authors are thrown by thousands of unique celestial bodies, where you will find out settlements, outposts and picturesque landscapes.

DLC will offer users a wide variety of missions – from diplomacy to trade, from stealth to open clashes. The abundance of locations, tasks and NPC will provide “almost unlimited quantity of content”.

Besides, in Odyssey It will be possible to participate in battles overlooking the first person. Commanders, ground equipment and space vessels will fall in battles.

Although the Universe “Elite” is not the most hospitable place, the players will still have the opportunity to relax: social zones will be scattered throughout the galaxy. In the hubs will be allowed to plan the following colleagues, create alliances, buy and improve equipment, as well as rent a ship to repair.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Will be released at the beginning of 2021 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC through Steam.

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