Bethesda removed the ban with Fallout 3 in Germany

Home » Game News » Bethesda removed the ban with Fallout 3 in Germany
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Bethesda removed the ban with Fallout 3 in Germany
Seven more years ago the government of Germany decided that Fallout 3 from Bethesda Game Studios – Too cruel game for a tender German psyche, so it was forbidden to sell it on the territory of this country. Until recently.

If you believe IGN Germany, in early February Bethesda Decided to try happiness and appealed to the Federal Office for Control on the Impact of MediaMaterials on Youth (BPJM) asking to exclude Fallout 3 From the list of prohibited games.

Moreover, the developers managed to convince the German officials, who decided that from a modern point of view, the content demonstrated in the game is no longer so destructive for young people of our time.

According to the source, the BPJM commission rarely changes its opinion, and the process itself, they say, requires a lot of patience and finance. Nevertheless Bethesda I did not regret neither. Why does a logical question arise, and is not going to republish the company Fallout 3 For the latest generation platforms.

At the request of IGN Germany, comment on the situation, Bethesda replied that it will do it only through “a couple of weeks”. In the meantime, you can pass (for the first time or repeated) Fallout 3 on Xbox One, thanks to the support of backward compatibility.

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