Bill Clinton Could Play A Role In Fallout 3

Home » Game News » Bill Clinton Could Play A Role In Fallout 3
September 23, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It turned out that the former US president Bill Clinton (Bill Clinton) was proposed a role in a popular role-playing game Fallout 3. Play it, as it is not difficult to guess, refused. This was announced Lev Chapelski (Lev Chapelsky), Head of Hollywood Blindlight, which tried to attract clinton to Fallout 3.

“We invite participation in the creation of a particular project, be it a movie or game, not only movie stars or athletes, but also politicians. So, we offered Bill Clinton to take part in creating video games. Alas, but he personally did not communicate with us, and his representatives stated that the former president would not participate in video games under any circumstances. I thought it was not bad if Bill presented his voice to the President in Fallout 3. It would be just beautiful. Just imagine, you leave asylum and hear the speech of the president of the destroyed world. You are surprised and shocked. You know who says it “, – shared Chapelski.

As for actors and athletes, Chapelski said that now their attitude towards games has become better than a couple of years ago. They are pleased to agree to take part in their creation and give their votes to the appearance of virtual characters. Examples set (Wines diesel, Jack Black etc). This is especially noticeable now, during the crisis. “Stars believe that the gaming industry is less susceptible to economic problems than the cinema industry.”, – Chapelski is recognized.

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