Capcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: Warlords

Home » Game News » Capcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: Warlords
September 9, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It seems that astrologers declared the era of games about feudal Japan – the fans of the Asian color are already waiting NiOh 2, SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice And Ghost of tsushima. This company will join and fastened Remaster Onimusha: Warlords (2001).

By itself, the reissue will not cost without technical improvements. Among them – HD graphics and support for widescreen permits with the ability to include the classical aspect ratio of 4: 3. Also Capcom mentioned the screen scroll function – depending on where the character moves, the background will shift. It is necessary in order to show areas that can exit the frame in 16: 9 format.

Besides, Onimusha: Warlords will work with analog sticks and allow you to choose a lightweight difficulty from the very beginning (in the original it was necessary to unlock). Finally, new soundtracks and audio.

Initially Onimusha Designed as a branch Resident Evil, And you can easily notice it on the gameplay Warlords. The game combines battles, study of the mysterious castle and puzzle. Camera Raciers, as in the “Resident Evil”, Fixed. The main difference from Re lies in the setting – Onimusha will throw us into the Japan of the Sengokok period.

Onimusha: Warlords will appear on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One January 15, 2019. In Europe, the game can be purchased exclusively in digital form.

Capcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: WarlordsCapcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: WarlordsCapcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: WarlordsCapcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: WarlordsCapcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: WarlordsCapcom Is Preparing To Reprint Onimusha: Warlords

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