Crysis RemaStered reached Steam. Your price can be up to 258 rubles

Home » Game News » Crysis RemaStered reached Steam. Your price can be up to 258 rubles
August 11, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Crysis RemaStered reached Steam. Your price can be up to 258 rubles

Bye Crysis Remastered Trilogy Getting ready to get to Epic Games Store, until Steam dock only reprinting of the first part. September 17 it started in the store Valve And the scarciful list of improvements compensates for a low price (although not for all).

Focus multistage:

  • Basic price Crysis Remaster in Steam – 515 rubles.
  • The first week there is a 20% discount – it reduces the price of up to 412 rubles.
  • For the original owners Crysis Throw off another 30% of 412 rubles – it turns out 258 rubles.
  • Bonus focus: in responses they write that if you are purchased Hunt: Showdown, then you can buy a set The Crytek Action – and then for Crysis Remaster You will give only 167 rubles.

Recall that reprint offers improved graphics: pumped assets, reflections with ray tracing, 8K textures and mode with the transmission settings “A Crysis Pulling?”. Complete localization into Russian saved. However, B Remasctered no multiplayer and independent addon Warhead.

At the time of writing, the news of the reviews in Steam is still small, but they are mixed – 59%. Users complain that Remasctered collapses to give up the original for some features, suffers from performance problems and generally old Crysis It looks better with fashion.

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