Cyberpunk 2077 Will Work Only On Directx 12

Home » Game News » Cyberpunk 2077 Will Work Only On Directx 12
October 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

System requirements Cyberpunk 2077 have not yet been disclosed, but the PC Games Hardware portal talked with specialists in graphics from CD Projekt Red And they revealed some technical details about the game.

Judging by the comments of developers, Cyberpunk 2077 will work only on DirectX 12. This imposes certain restrictions on computers configuration: DX12 is supported only on Windows 7 (with SP1 update) and Windows 10. If the user has Windows 8 or 8.1, T Cyberpunk 2077 flies by – there dx12 did not appear.

As the lead programmer graphics says Marchin Golden (Marcin Gollent), CDPr Chose DX12 for two main reasons. First, this API is a standard for Xbox platforms, which affected the production of the version for Xbox 1. Second, DX12 – Place of birth Method of tracing rays DirectX Raytracing. W CDPr There were plans for DXR still at very early stages of technology formation.

Will the ray tracing appears in the nextgen version Cyberpunk 2077, Poles say not yet ready. At the time of release, the game will work on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in backward compatibility mode, and the upgrade with an eye on the next-generation console will appear later.

CDPr Believe in the bright future ray trace: the technology will allow at least to simplify the construction of worlds and will relieve the light specialists from the loft of small technical very, which distracts developers from more fundamental creative problems. About how raitrecinge transforms a version for PC, you can learn here.

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