Destiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

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July 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Destiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
After numerous “leaks” Bungie finally arranged the official announcement of the next large-scale addition to Destiny, Committed Rise of Iron.

New portion of fresh content at a price of 1884 rubles starts on September 20. True, exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (that is, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners in span). And yes to play in Destiny: Rise Of Iron, You must have not only the main game, but all previous additions to it (The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King).

To the designated date, developers promise to prepare new tasks for various modes, as well as new cinematic inserts. Among other things, the level of light will increase, new locations will appear (The Plaguelands and Felwinter Peak, plus the opportunity to visit the wall again) and the new “mutating” fraction of opponents from among the fallen.

Fans Destiny They will also be glad to know that Rise of Iron will return to the game of their favorite GjallarHorn. I will be able to get it anyone who will fulfill the mission. And those who made a preliminary order for Addon, will be given Gjallarhorn black or silver color from the “limited” series.

Destiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneDestiny: Rise of Iron will be an exclusive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

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