For development Tropico 7 collect a new studio

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August 10, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

For development Tropico 7 collect a new studio

Tropico – Flagship Publishing Series Kalypso Media, for which it even is ready to open your own studio. So it happened: Tropico 7 Now create in a newborn company Nine Worlds Studios.

The studio name takes the origins in Scandinavian mythology: they say, nine worlds symbolize ambitions to create new universes. Nine Worlds Located in Munich, Germany, not far from Realmforge Studios (Server Developers Dungeons). The new team became the fifth game studio in the family of companies Kalypso.

For development Tropico 7 collect a new studio

Logo Nine Worlds and the current head of Studio Thomas Schneider.

Opening Nine Worlds Manager Thomas Schneider (Thomas Schneider), which will then become a project manager. Previously Schneider held a similar position in Aesir interactive – little-known studio without loud releases behind his back.

Tropico 7 will be for Nine Worlds Debut game and will be released on PC and the consoles of the last generation. Judging by the list of vacancies, Unreal Engine chose as a engine.

Series Tropico constantly changing developers. Longer over franchise worked Haemimont Games – She was engaged in the third, fourth and fifth parts. Haemimont Games Now switched on Jagged Alliance 3, And the creators Tropico 6 from Limbic Entertainment They took Park Beyond.

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