Eidos Montréal Boss: On Xbox One X Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Will Work In 4k / 60 Fps

Home » Game News » Eidos Montréal Boss: On Xbox One X Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Will Work In 4k / 60 Fps
October 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

With graphics B Shadow of the Tomb Raider Everything will probably be in order. At least the head Eidos Montréal David Anfossi (David Anfoss9) never doubts a second.

In an ELECTRIC PLAYGROUD interview ANFOSSI He said that on the Xbox One x, a new story of Lara Croft will work in resolution 4K at 60 frames per second. And this is despite the fact that in one of the scenes in the frame will be a crowd of 155 people! In addition, Action-Advenchur will shine new lighting systems and drawing characters. Speaking about the XBox One S, the developer generally called Sottr The most beautiful game for this model console.

Previously Eidos Montréal worked out Deus EX And the last Thief, And also helped Crystal Dynamics with previous Tomb Raider. According to David, creating those games, the authors removed the mass of valuable lessons. In the work on the coming “Tomb Rank”, the team applied all his experience and took care that the game becomes something fresh, and not “Sicvel Sicvel”. Key chapel Sottr – Fear: You will feel it in the jungle, and under water, and in other situations.

Finally ANFOSSI having entertained everyone who misses Deus EX. Studio made a name on a cyber adventure and will not throw a series of fate. Especially since David is confident in the bright future of single games: he believes that the phrase “single” is dead – nonsense and focused on the plot of entertainment do not need a multiplayer appendage.

As for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, it will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One September 14.

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