Electronic Arts will release many games for iOS

Home » Game News » Electronic Arts will release many games for iOS
August 1, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Electronic Arts will release many games for iOS
iPhone gets more and more support from computer and video game publishers. Already at this stage, the phone (in particular) and the IOS operating system (as a whole) consider the promising and full-fledged game platform. At the company held in Tokyo Electronic Arts stated that it will continue to work on projects for iOS.

Exit horror with guts and dismember – Dead Space 2 – on the iPhone was assumed earlier, because herself EA reported that the game will appear on portable consoles. Only one thing was indicated – on which. Now here about the appearance of the adventures of Isaac Clark on the phone Apple Officially announced. But this is just a small part of the planned publisher. Soon on the “apple” operating system will appear Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, EA SPORTS ACTIVE 2 (for phones and players with touch technology). The owners of the iPad will provide the opportunity to play in the interactive version of the famous “monopoly”.

But this is not all. For iOS at the conference showed specially adapted FIFA 11, The Sims 3 AMBITIONS, Mystery Mania And Mirror’s Edge. Publisher, apparently, is going to produce games for Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) for a long time and stable.

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