“Elusive Goals” Will Get To Hitman Later

Home » Game News » “Elusive Goals” Will Get To Hitman Later
October 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

IO-interactive announced that the appearance in Hitman So-called “elusive purposes” (Elusive Targets), a series of time limit, postponed until April. The developers do not indicate the exact date, but it is believed that this event will occur not far from the release of the next episode with assignments for Agent 47 in the Solar Sapirez, the day of the output of which, by the way, will be announced next week.

But until users Hitman And so it will be something to do. Every week, until the release of the episode into the game will add two contracts from the discharge “Escala” (escalation).

This week, meet the tasks under the code names “Mosaic Osterman” and “Fiasko Gemini”. IO-interactive, True, does not advise in advance to delve into the details of both missions, nevertheless, a brief description has ever been.

“Elusive Goals” Will Get To Hitman Later“Elusive Goals” Will Get To Hitman Later

In the “Osterman Mosaic” in front of you several tasks will immediately. First of all, one of the goals must be removed with the saber. At the same time, do not forget to quickly hide the bodies, hide from emergency security measures and eliminate additional goal.

Whereas “Fiasco twins” will check your knowledge of Paris. Plus, we promise a new meeting with Helmut Kruger, a number of different purposes and complications that will be forced to look for a new approach. To successfully fulfill the mission, they say, you will need poison and good knowledge of the location of surveillance cameras.

Among other things, in the coming weeks the creators Hitman Release a set of ten new tests The Vampire Magician, which can be performed exclusively in a vampire-focker costume. At the same time at the same time, the fresh patch for all platforms.“Elusive Goals” Will Get To Hitman Later

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