Far Cry 6 on nextgen works in 4K and 60 fps

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August 9, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Far Cry 6 on nextgen works in 4K and 60 fps

Developers Far Cry 6 Promise the largest and rich world for the history of the series, but are going to release the game on both generations of devices. Dust still did not have enough dust from another scary ambitious game in the open world, which did not hold it with Pastegen, so the author of the VGC was interested in a natural question: what’s the matter Far Cry 6 on consoles?

Leading Designer Gameplay David Grevel (David GRIVEL) replied that he could not go into details yet, but confirmed the following:

  • On the consoles of the new generation Far Cry 6 Works in 4K and 60 FPS.
  • On the consoles of the previous generation, the game “works well”.
  • Ubisoft very carefully comes to performance on PS4 and Xbox One, but the details will reveal a little later.
  • The company tries to squeeze the maximum of all platforms, including PC, Stadia and Luna.

Most of the previous ones Far Cry was built on the Dunia Engine – branches of Cryengine, which developed Ubisoft. Digital Foundry specialists very warmly responded about performance Far Cry 5 On all consoles. And since Far Cry 6, Judging by small fonts in the trailers, it also works on Dunia Engine, that is, the reasons for assume that there will be no problems on the pastegen.

Far Cry 6 It turns out on October 7. Fresh details about the game recognize here and here.

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