From Fortnite Removed Location With A Hint Of Suicide

Home » Game News » From Fortnite Removed Location With A Hint Of Suicide
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

At the end of 2018 in Fortnite Allowed to post the creation of players on a small plot of an official card, called the “platform”. At the beginning of the month, a mansion appeared there, which was soon replaced by the previous location – Tropical Treetops. The reason for this was the scene with a hint that in the building someone imposed hands on.

Mysterious mansion (Mysterious Mansion), created by the user under the nickname of FuryLeaks, really turned out to be not so simple. It is an abandoned house, in one of the rooms of which there is a hanging from the ceiling of the loop, and there is a tipped chair nearby.

From Fortnite Removed Location With A Hint Of Suicide

Some players did not like it and they asked Epic Games Remove location from the game. Despite the fact that there is no one in the loop, in the vocabulary of the mansion actually depicted a hanged character.

The author claims that this is just a small joke, and the real picture looks different. However, his version sounds not too convincing: he says that the building shows the consequences of an earthquake destroying the interior. Chair to the earthquake hung on the rope, but after fell.

Representative EPIC explained that the removal of the controversial area is associated with violation of the rules for creating content for Fortnite. They are talking about the inadmissibility of discriminatory statements, the expressions of hatred, threats, spam and other forms of persecution and illegal behavior.

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– Fury – Back In The Game (@Furayleaks) March 28, 2019.

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