Gog.Com Gives Games For Pre-Ordered Absolver, Hello Neighbor, Sudden Strike 4 And The Pillars Of The Earth

Home » Game News » Gog.Com Gives Games For Pre-Ordered Absolver, Hello Neighbor, Sudden Strike 4 And The Pillars Of The Earth
October 11, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

As a rule, independent developers cannot afford to give elegant gifts of all who issued a preliminary order for their game. Fortunately, some of them now have a fairy-shaft in the face of the Digital Distribution Service GOG.com, ready to throw up users a nice bonus and spur sales.

Under the terms of the new share until September 12, for pre-orders of role-playing action with martial arts Absolver from Sloclap You get not only 10% discount (that is, the game will cost you in 449 rubles), but also a copy of the action Furi from The Game Bakers In addition to in-game subjects (mask Labyrinth Prospect and a set of Uring Priest).

Also before September 12, you can pre-equip for 499 rubles Stels-horror Hello Neighbor from Dynamic Pixels and get access to three alpha versions and comedy adventure JAZZPUNK: Director’s Cut from Necrophone Games.

But if you want to pick up a gift (previous three parts Sudden Strike) for pre-ordered real-time strategy Sudden Strike 4 from Kite Games for 769 rubles, have to hurry. The offer ends on the day of the game release – August 11.

The same story and with an adventure on the same named literary basis Ken Follet’s The Pillars of the Earth from Daedalic Entertainment. The ability to pre-equip the game for 699 rubles ends on August 15, and with it and your chance to pick up for free The Dark Eye: Chains of SatinaV from the same studio.

Note that all the above bonus games will be available immediately after the pre-order.

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