The game “Still Life 2” Localizes Akella

Home » Game News » The game “Still Life 2” Localizes Akella
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The game “Still Life 2” Localizes Akella
Akella and the company Microids concluded an agreement on the publication of a detective adventure Still Life 2. On the territory of Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries will be published in the fourth quarter of 2008.

IN Still Life 2 The final of the first part is revealed, and Victoria MacPherson begins to investigate the new murder.

October 2, 2008. For several months now, Victoria McPherson has been dealing with an elusive serial killer who does not leave a single evidence in the field of crime. For the first time he appeared in 2006, left a dozen victims and disappeared… to continue their business again in January 2008.
Agent MacPherson is under constant pressure from the media, because it is regularly coming letters from the “Eastern Coast” executioner “. The most interest in the mysterious case shows a journalist Paloma Herntez.
One evening Paloma asks the agent Victoria to come and give an interview. The journalist says something about information about the criminal, which allegedly can help the consequence. MacPherson, tired of standing questions, refuses. Shortly after that, Herntez turns out to be stolen by the “Eastern Coast” Palace. The investigation once again goes to a dead end…

A game Still Life 2 will be published in Russia in the fourth quarter of 2008.

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