In The Nectgen Version Of The Witcher 3 Are Going To Include Fan Fashion

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November 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gamer under Nick Halkhogan is engaged in a mod HD reworked project for The Witcher 3, Where the detailing of textures increases, the range of drawing increases, exhaust materials appear and so on. It is possible that part of this wealth will eventually include a formal basis.

First HalkHogan announced that he received a message from CD Projekt Red: Studio invited enthusiast to leave the next-version The Witcher 3. “It is still not for sure, but it is likely that HD reworked project will enter the official update for the next generation “, – Writes Model.

Demonstration of the latest achievements from HD reworked project.

Then Kotaku contacted CDPr. Studio answered like this:

In addition to our own development of the coming nextgen version The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt For Xbox Series X | S, Playstation 5 and PC We are negotiating with the creators of various mods for the 2015 game version.

Negotiations are underway, but CDPr emphasized that there are no final deals on this front. Studio can not even say how cooperation will look like: will they pay to modmodes, will their names in the titles and so on.

Previously, there were cases when popular mods were inserted in the update of the game at the official level – for example, a recently something similar happened to GTA Online and soon will happen to SYSTEM SHOCK 2: Enhanced Edition. But if in the nextgen-update The Witcher 3 Introduce fashion, the event will still get a sign – too rarely it happens to AAA blockbusters!

IN The Witcher 3 For the next generation of devices will make rays tracing, speed up downloads and will conduct other improvements. Currently CD Projekt Plans to launch a next-version in the second half of the 2021th.

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