Inquisitor Against Consulator

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October 20, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Seventh and eighth grades very (and another one and a half or two) long-awaited MMORPG Star War: The Old Republic Steel Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor. Unlike previously announced Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight, new classes are fighters of the second (or even third) lines and shy enemies, hiding behind the wide spins of their colleagues. Both classes are able to use light shackles, but their main specialization remains tricks with force.

As colleagues-antagonists, Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor use similar mechanics and at the same time differ from each other with nuances. The talents of the first are directed mainly on the protection and support of associates. Therefore, its main techniques are swelling, power shocks, grips and lifts, reflection of attacks. Sitx Inquisitor specializes in the destructive side of force and uses various shocks, power strikes and other attackers.

If you use classical MMO analogies, both classes can be called magicians, but with their own specifics. It is possible that they will be able to also be treated (MMORPG without drugs is difficult, and there are simply no other candidates for this role), but again it is just an assumption, and for more accurate information it is necessary to wait at least the beginning of the closed betaDough. Which seems to start soon, but when exactly the developers know only, and that, probably, not all.

In the meantime, in anticipation of new information, tests and revelations of developers, we recommend reading our preview of the game and see the selection of video materials. Maybe you will then be able to answer some questions and without other people’s stories and tips.

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