Josh Krasnik Talks About Ea And Mercenaries

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October 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

NEXT-GEN website thoroughly talked with the head of the studio Pandemic – Josh Deanik. In the process of communicating MERCENARIES 2, speech came about EA, Thanks or due to which the game is constantly postponed. The statements of Josh relative to the electronics and their current politicians turned out to be very interesting and instimacy.

For example, Josh says that EA took the final and irrevocable course on the quality of their project. This is quite consistent with the statements of PR-Glashatayev Company, but only here the developer’s mouth, which is directly related to the production process, seems to be more convincing. That is why she thinks a woman, Publisher went to buy Pandemic And BioWare, which cost significant 860 million dollars.

And he is sure – John Richitello will be able to change the well-established opinion on the EA. Inside the company appeared a statement by the head of electronics approximately the following content: “I am serious about this path, I will put a company on my feet, I will create a company part of which Pandemic and BioWare would like to be“.

Chris confirms that John intends to act, intends to strengthen consumer confidence. He understands that the bright future of the EA is concluded in talented creative employees and providing these to all tools for creativity.

Mr. Rekanik admitted that inside EA he feels good that he intends to create excellent games. And also – that I would not want to part with the franchise Mercenaries – in his head there are already some considerations regarding MERCENARIES 3.

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