Kickstarter can give Shenmue 3 chance

Home » Game News » Kickstarter can give Shenmue 3 chance
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Kickstarter can give Shenmue 3 chance
Without exaggeration series Shenmue Is one best representatives of the Genre of Adventures in history and full rights included in the Golden Fund of the Dreamcast Console. Worked out the plot, open world, high degree of permissiveness and real adventure spirit allowed Shenmue conquer sincere folk love. In 2001, Sikvel followed, who secured the success of the series. Subsequent years fans literally prayed SEGA release a continuation, but that flatly refused to go to the opponent.

However, due to the growth of the popularity of Kickstarter, who managed to give accelerating pink not to one project, some hope appeared at the players. Joyful news arrived straight from France. Local channel by name Sebastian Abdelhamid (Sebastien Abdelhamid) on one of the gaming exhibitions managed to catch the Creator’s surprise Shenmue Jzzuki (Yu Suzuki) and ask him a couple of uncomfortable questions about the third part. The designer did not go over and honestly admitted that she had the idea of creating Shenmue 3, And the budget for development he will go to search at Kickstarter. Yet Suzuki Do not mind continue the history of the series in the format of anime or manga. If one else does not hurt, then we personally have nothing against.

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