Guild Wars 2 consoles will not wait

Home » Game News » Guild Wars 2 consoles will not wait
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Guild Wars 2 consoles will not wait
The output of the new generation consoles can finally break through the wall between the console geiming and the MMO. Yes, MMO is not that completely ignored the consoles – Final Fantasy 11 even achieved certain success. However, the difference in the number of available MMOs for computers and consoles is still so huge that it can be considered a massive online non-existent on consoles.

But now, when the Union of Sectgen’s Union and THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE, Final Fantasy 14, Destiny And The Division, Console gamers can start looking into the MMO-Future with optimism. True, in this future, for now, there will definitely not be one of the most popular brands – Guild Wars. As a leading content designer told in an interview with VG247 Guild Wars 2 Mike Zadorozhny Mike Zadorojny, Arenanet does not plan to change personal computers.

The main reason for this is the openness of the platform. For example, on consoles is unlikely to get updates every two weeks, as it happens now in Guild Wars 2. Well, the need for a subscription for online also contradicts convictions Arenanet. So Mike and his colleagues will participate in the console war as extraneous observers, and their main concern will be the improvement of their game.

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