Large-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After Removal

Home » Game News » Large-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After Removal
November 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Wyrmstooth – Great mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which adds new territory to the game. A few years ago, the author Jonx0R allegedly fell into depression and deleted his creation, but now she was breaking up, he returned everything back and continued the development of his brainchild.

IN Wyrmstooth You will get to the same island, which is located north of Solituda, in the Sea of Ghosts. It all starts with the usual task for a desony: you need to kill the dragon, which causes trouble in the district. But then the case takes an unexpected turnover.

As the author assures, in size Wyrmstooth comparable with official addon. You will get into the huge dungeons, you will command a group of mercenaries, find new types of weapons, shields, spells and cry, and you can also equip and defend your own fortress.

Wyrmstooth It became available a few years ago, but in May 2016, the author removed the mod from all areas, and in May 2017 published the final version in the Internet Archive – the developer claimed that further production was canceled.

On Reddit walked a message that was attributed to Jonx0R: it was said that he lost his job and strongly regrets the time he wasted on fashion, – they say, it would be better to advance the qualifications in order to remain valuable. All his fashion jonx0r removed, as he was constantly scratched his hands to do something like that too distracted from pressing problems. However, according to the fan “wiki”, the authenticity of the letter has not been proven.

Reborn version Wyrmstooth goes along with a patch where improved and fixed many trifles. In addition, Jonx0R prepared a fresh roller, which demonstrates one of the potential “feathers” – artificially generated votes. Do not be afraid: in Wyrmstooth There are live actors, however, generation can help associate modes with original characters.

Swing Wyrmstooth Where you want:

  • “Vanilla” Skyrim (Supplements are not required):
    • “Steam Workshop”,
    • Nexus MODS.
  • Skyrim Special Edition:
    • Bethesda.No,
    • Nexus MODS.

Large-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After RemovalLarge-Scale Mod Wyrmstooth For Skyrim Resurrected Almost Five Years After Removal

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