Liya trailer to the exit of the third episode of Tales from the Borderlands

Home » Game News » Liya trailer to the exit of the third episode of Tales from the Borderlands
February 15, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Liya trailer to the exit of the third episode of Tales from the Borderlands
TellTale Games reminds that she has not only harsh Game of Thrones, But merry Tales from the Borderlands. The last one, however, it turns out not as often as I would like (the previous episode was still in mid-March), but still it is better late than ever, right?

so, Tales From The Borderlands: Episode Three – Catch A Ride Already expects you to PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One (on iOS and Android series will be released for a couple of days later). And in order to ignite interest, completed after three-month parting, the authors prepared a small trailer.
Liya trailer to the exit of the third episode of Tales from the Borderlands

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