Main Marketer Microsoft Understands The Misunderstanding Of Xbox One

Home » Game News » Main Marketer Microsoft Understands The Misunderstanding Of Xbox One
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

So far, by the general opinion, Sony Wins PR battle at E3 Microsoft For explicit advantage. However, this situation does not bother the main marketer of the American Corporation Yusuf Mehdi (Yusuf Mehd9). Because he considers Xbox One big variance (not between school lessons, but in general). People do not always like big change.

Microsoft going to wean the gaming industry from the disks and transfer it into digital space. For the digit is the future of the industry. The consumer is now outraged, but then he will see how much the digital approach is better than the standard. When they can access their games from anywhere and at any time. When will be able to share their games with any family member.

And these are only the most obvious benefits that users are waiting for the first day of acquiring console. And the future certainly promises even more interesting prospects. For example, new forms of access to games and new distribution methods. With the digit it will be possible, and without it – no. Yes, and publishers with developers will be more convenient to introduce new business models.

As for restrictions on the trade in second-hand games, then it is necessary to understand that their main proponents were publishers. but Microsoft did not go blindly on them and invented the most balanced solution. Of course, the interests of publishers, merchants and users can diverge, but such is life – it is necessary to find compromises.

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