Mass Effect 3 Robots

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October 18, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The network began to appear the first information about Mass Effect 3, mined by various supersthers from bunkers BioWare. For example, the Spanish game magazine Marcaplayer assures that a new class of tank-handcap will appear in the game. In his arsenal will be blows with legs and other tricks. In addition, Shepard will learn to roll, jump and hide in shelter (something he has already done before). Space battles are still possible, but no guarantees.

New York, London, Mars, Native Planet Salaarians and Kvarianskaya Moon are named from new locations. And considering that Cerberry this time will become an enemy, you can only guess what their confrontation with Shepard will turn the famous megalopolises. By the way, the Cerberian armed forces will consist mainly of robots-fur, attack aircraft and shock tubes, ninja-like supermen. We would sympathize Shepard, but learning about the new enemies, they decided not to do this, but immediately order a clock.

Renouncements appointed to become a full race in Mass Effect, and they are really very massive. Imagine colossal robots with dimensions from 600 meters to 2 kilometers – and you also will probably leave the jaw. No idea how it will look like in the game. But the new Shepard-handapass, suspect, will have to be pretty try to take these guys on pain.

Fight B Mass Effect 3 will become more dynamic (the tempo will grow by 10-15%), the locations will become more, the construction is massive, the atmosphere is better, and the world is interactively. In addition, there is also a significant graphic progress … A multiplayer will once again be.

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