Microsoft Did Not Finish Buying Studios

Home » Game News » Microsoft Did Not Finish Buying Studios
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It would seem 7.$ 5 billion for one of the biggest gaming companies in the world – the amount is sufficient to take a break and calm down. But Microsoft So does not think: she is going to acquire studios and further.

This was told by the head of the Xbox division Phil Spencer (Phil Spencer) and boss Microsoft Satya Madella (Satya Nadella) in CNET interview. They are confident that in the next ten years, interactive entertainment will become key technology, and gamers will expect from Microsoft Products similar to those that produce current teams in the family Xbox Game Studios.

Spencer Calls the content “magnificent ingredient” for the xbox platform. Bosses Microsoft We are confident that the rich library of the Xbox Game Pass will help to reach the huge audience. That is why the corporation is so actively buying studios and ready to acquire even more companies in the future.

How emphasizes Spencer, W Bethesda within Xbox Game Studios Partial independence will remain: the Corporation wants to preserve the existing culture in the team, and not to transform it under the standards Microsoft.

What studios can buy xbox – an open question. They say, Microsoft Dreams to strengthen their gaming influence in Japan. Now in the composition Xbox Game Studios There is only one Japanese company – Tango Gameworks, Creators The Evil Within And Ghostwire: Tokyo. Now imagine how Phil looks at some blue hedgehog and thoughtfully stretches behind the wallet ..

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