Mobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceled

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August 1, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceled

Final Fantasy XI – First MMORPG in the history of the number parts of the series. In 2015 Square Enix And Nexon conceived to arrange a reboot for mobile phones and announced Final Fantasy Xi Reboot.

Six years later, the game did not come out. Rumors about closing FFXI Reboot walked last year – then Square Enix refused to comment. As Gematsu writes, today an official announcement has appeared on cancellation FFXI Reboot: Square Enix And Nexon stated that the game did not correspond to the level of expectations among fans. Production stopped by mutual consent, and developers will translate to other projects.

Mobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceled

Mobile reboot repeated plot, content and visual elements of the initiative, and also was going to implement a number of improvements – for example, layout specifically for touch screens, advanced single mode, conveyed detachment collection systems and refined in-game events.

What is curious, original FFXI For PC, it works so far and even gets updates. In addition, the game went to the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, but the console servers were closed in 2016 after 14 and 10 years after release, respectively.

Screenshots from FFXI Reboot In this news dated 2018 year.

Mobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceledMobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceledMobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceledMobile reboot MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XI is officially canceled

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