More Than 7000 Stolen Steam Keys To Sniper Elite 3 Blocked

Home » Game News » More Than 7000 Stolen Steam Keys To Sniper Elite 3 Blocked
September 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Did not make it Sniper ELITE 3 humanly go out like Rebellion announced that it is forced to block about 7050 keys to activate the PC version of the game in Steam.

The problem is that all this pile of keys was at one time stolen from the digital distribution service and is illegally resold by third-party shopping organizations, which, accordingly, continued to disseminate their unsuspecting users. It is now that they are now “lucky” to stay without the possibility of watering the fascists in North Africa.

The developers are modestly hoping that the retailers involved will be decent people and will be returned to the victims of the gamers spent on a new Sniper ELITE 3 facilities. Well, if not, they will have to be content with another – working – the key and free copy of the Target Hitler supplement, which was previously provided to everyone who issued a pre-order for a sniper simulator. Just consider: In order to get all of the above encouragement, it is necessary to contact the first on July 4 until July 4 Rebellion and prove that your steam key is blocked.

Finally, for the peaceful calm of potential players, the English studio was a list of online stores (in addition to Steam and the official store of the company), where you can purchase Sniper ELITE 3 completely without fear of fraud:

● “Beech”
● Amazon.Com
● Game.SO.UK
● Gamefly
● GamersGate
● Green Man Gaming
● Humble Store
● Metaboli
● Nexway

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