New Continent, Extended Pvp And Fresh Danja – Rochendel Update For Lost Ark Starts February 26

Home » Game News » New Continent, Extended Pvp And Fresh Danja – Rochendel Update For Lost Ark Starts February 26
October 6, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Very soon players in LOST ARK They will go to the continent ROGENDEL, which will enter the update of the same name. The update will appear on Russian-speaking servers on February 26.

Rasa Sillinov dwells on Rokhadel, which will be saved from the invasion of demons. There, players will be able to make a search for the fifth fragment of the ark of pristine light. Continent includes six new locations, each of which has a unique story.

The update will bring with you 11 new islands, and players will be able to participate in large-scale battles with pirates and battle with ancient Monster Arabmo, and also search for treasures without a map. In addition, the Marine Event will be launched – Raid Guizen Celener, who accommodates up to 15 people. Among the awards for the passage of the raid – a unique pirate ship.

In addition, on the continent you can get a new Mount – Chamcry Dawn. It will be issued for the implementation of one of the plot tasks.

Also in LOST ARK A new atlas of the seeker will appear, and in PVP will add new modes: rusty slums, the garden of the blooming cherry and the castle “Orlinic nest”, which were previously available to the guild participants.

Other new products are two new “Dunza”, the temple of the elements and the abode of dreams, as well as the maze of the grove of illusions and gloomy. For the passage of tests, valuable items and Akrexium are relying. If you are very lucky, you will find unique jewelry to improve equipment.

Read more “ROCHENDEL” You can find out on the official website of the game.

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