New Dlc For Dragon Age: Inquisition Will Not Go To Xbox 360 And Playstation 3

Home » Game News » New Dlc For Dragon Age: Inquisition Will Not Go To Xbox 360 And Playstation 3
September 9, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dragon Age: Inquisition It turned out to be one of those games that go immediately on two generations of consoles. Unfortunately, the power of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2015 seems very limited, so BioWare Invites all gamers to move on Xbox One or PlayStation 4. Along the way, capturing his inquisitor with him, of course.

The fact is that all coming supplements for Dragon Age: Inquisition will be released exclusively on modern consoles and PC. But that the adventures in the Tedas do not disappear for the gift, the developers ensured the transfer of preservation, which will help carefully translate the character and its merits for the last generation. Naturally, fresh copy Inquisition will have to get separately, but if you bought DLC Jaws of Hakkon Or a kit Spoils of Avvar, then they will be issued free. Unfortunately, imports are not perfect: BioWare Does not guarantee that the face of your hero will be the same as before, and with moving multiplayer achievements there is a separate package of difficulties, which are described in the official series of questions and answers.

The transfer will appear in the July patch Dragon Age: Inquisition. To take advantage of the new function, you will need to pre-establish a free supplement Black Emporium. There, by the way, you can adjust the appearance of your alter-ego at a special mirror, if something does not happen to it.

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