New Fruits Of The Government War With Lutboxes: In The Netherlands, Turned Off The Trade In Dota 2 And Cs: Go

Home » Game News » New Fruits Of The Government War With Lutboxes: In The Netherlands, Turned Off The Trade In Dota 2 And Cs: Go
December 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It seems that the state war with Lutboxes appeared the first victim – Valve. The company disabled the exchange of things and the Steam shopping area in Dota 2 And Counter-Strike: Global Offensive On the territory of the Netherlands.

Valve sent messages to Dutch users of the relevant games. According to the company, the Netherlands Organization for the control of gambling entertainment with the terrible name Kansspelautoriteit recognized that Lutboxes in Dota 2 And CS: Go Local laws violate. Valve I did not agree with this and hired a lawyer who understands the tricks of decrees in the Netherlands.

But so far Valve and Kansspelautoriteit did not come to a compromise, so the owham owners temporarily disabled those opportunities in their games that caused the most questions from the Netherlands committees. Measure concerns only the territory of the Netherlands. Valve hopes that it will still be able to return the exchange and trade in place.

CS: Go and Dota 2 Item Trading and Market Sales Have Been Disabled in the Netherlands ???????? Due to a Legal Threat From Kansspelautoriteit. / aotvkwu1so

– Steam Database (@SteamDB) June 20, 2018
Eurogamer received a comment from Kansspelautoriteit. The organization is worried that Lutboxes cause unhealthy addiction like Gambling. Containers with random things Valve are considered gambling, because items have a different chance of falling out, and they can be sold out of the game. Therefore, Lutboxes contain random things with some market value.

Kansspelautoriteit offers game developers to replace containers for such a system that will allow buying things directly so that consumers know in advance what they will get for their money.

As Eurogamer writes, probably, then Kansspelautoriteit will take FIFA 18, Rocket League And Pubg. These games seem to do not meet the requirements of the law in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands Commission on Gambling can recover from the steamed fine of up to 830 thousand euros (or even 10 percent of the total turnover of the company). If the penalty is not effective, at the request of Kansspelautoriteit, a criminal case can arouse.

Recall: in April, Belgium announced his results. Representatives of the country decided that the laws violate FIFA 18, Overwatch And CS: Go. Only there is still at the level of oral warnings.

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