New Commandos is called Commandos: Origins – She will again become tactic about the second world

Home » Game News » New Commandos is called Commandos: Origins – She will again become tactic about the second world
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

New Commandos is called Commandos: Origins – She will again become tactic about the second world

In July 2018 Commandos Found a new home: the rights to the tactical series passed to the publishing house Kalypso Media. Since then, the company has managed to release the reprint of the second part (there were questions to him), and also to make a full-fed franchise game.

The project is developed with the support of the German Government Fund – users found a page with a logo and a brief description. Commandos: Origins will be an isometric tactic about the first half of World War II. In the center of the plot – the newly formed division of the British Commando, which is trying to prevent the plans of the Wehrmacht. Under the control of the player will be several characters.

New Commandos is called Commandos: Origins – She will again become tactic about the second world

In production Commandos: Origins Government of Germany has invested € 1,532,519. Development is engaged Calymore Game Studios From the city of Darmstadt – internal team Kalypso, Collected specially for Origins. The basis of the Unreal Engine engine laid.

Some deadlines are noted – from February 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022. If they are connected with the release date of the game, then probably, Origins Do not wait before on November 30, 2022.

Previously Kalypso declared that new Commandos Create with a sight on the PC and the next generation console.

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