Backward compatibility brought Borderlands to Xbox One

Home » Game News » Backward compatibility brought Borderlands to Xbox One
July 27, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Backward compatibility brought Borderlands to Xbox One
If you still got in the spring Borderlands: The Handsome Collection on Xbox One, then probably noticed that the publication was comprehended one annoying omission. As the developers themselves say Gearbox, There is no original in the nonsense collection Borderlands, because in it simply there was no handsome Jack (and he seems like the central character included Borderlands 2 And Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel).

Nevertheless, playing the 2009 shooter on the American console of the last generation you can at least now. True, solely if you are a member of the XBOX One Preview program. If not, you have to wait until November, when the prefix fully will be fully screwed up compatibility support.

Microsoft already iron confirmed that Borderlands will be among the first games for the Xbox 360 (along with Gears of War, Mass Effect and hundreds of others) that can be passed on xbox one thanks to the new function.

By the way, according to Microsoft, If you have previously taken for Borderlands on xbox 360, then all your saved files, achievements and DLC purchased will also be transferred to Xbox One. So it can be continued from the place where you stopped last time.

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